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What have you asked Him for?

But because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. ~Hebrews 7:24-25 (NIV)

To be saved completely isn't just a one-way ticket to Heaven.  It encompasses redemption from every aspect of the curse and fall of mankind.  God has reconciled us to Himself and restored to us all that He prepared for us before we were ever born.  Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross at Calvary that day was more than meets the eye.  It was a master plan of an all-encompassing redemption including much more than we will ever comprehend.  God says that no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor mind has conceived what He has prepared for those who love Him.  Do you love God?  Then you should be expecting unfathomable blessings and favor according to the Word of God.  Jesus wants to help you today with whatever it is that you need.  We are told in Mark 16:19 “After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and He sat at the right hand of God.” (NIV)  Guess where Jesus is right now.  You got it!  He is at the right hand of God.  The right hand of God is a position of power and authority. 

The work Jesus did on the cross brought you into a right relationship with God, your Holy Father, but His work did not stop there.  He tells us in His word the Jesus is making intercession for us.  Intercession is an action.  It’s the act of pleading or petitioning on behalf of another person.  What is Jesus interceding for in your case?  A stronger love walk?  More faith?  A better paying job?  Healing?  Jesus is interceding for whatever it is you have asked Him for as it lines up with God’s will for your life.  The question is…what have you asked Him for?  We are told in the book of James that we have not because we ask not.  This very well could be one of the biggest areas where we as believers “drop the ball”.  We go to our family and tell them about our needs and problems, or we go to our friends for advice but how many of us are going to the Lord?  Taking time to get a vision, dream big and petition the Lord is imperative to our success. When do you take the time to get before God and specifically ask Him to provide or intervene?  We should not count on the Lord hearing us talking to everyone but Him about our concerns and then just step in because that's not how God works.  He is gentle; He doesn’t push His way into our lives, He wants us to come to Him and He wants us to come to Him in faith knowing that He is a loving Heavenly Father and believing that He is ever ready to intervene and show Himself strong on our behalf.  If you went around the playground or the office telling everybody what a great dad you had and how much He loved you and bragged on all the wonderful things He did for you, do you think that would make him mad?  Or do you think that would make his heart swell?  Well, what are you saying about your Heavenly Father today?  What are you saying to Him?  No matter what the need, desire or burden is that you have today, whether great or small, turn it into a prayer.  Take it to the Lord and ask for His help, He always lives to intercede for you! 

And may these words of mine, which I have prayed before the Lord be near to the Lord our God day and night, that He may uphold the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel according to each day’s need.  ~1 Kings 8:59 (NIV)

What are you proclaiming about your heavenly Father that is making His heart swell today?

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