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What are you doing to share your faith?

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

My grandfather used to tell a story of when he first accepted the Lord as his savior.  He said it was a very busy time in his life with a family and owning and running a business full time, so he hired a preacher to teach him the bible during the work week.  He said he paid the preacher to stay by his side every day to teach him what God had to say in His word about every situation my grandfather encountered.  I don’t know who the pastor was, but I know from my grandfather’s life and stories the man was faithful to his call.  Papa used to tell us that times were hard right after the depression and God used that situation to bless both men for generations.  God wants us to be like minded.  He wants us to come into agreement with each other by agreeing with Him.  None of us are ever going to walk in unity with selfish ambitions and vain conceits ruling in our hearts.  God’s word, God’s will and God’s way has to be our lifeblood.  It has to be what motivates us or we will never accomplish the great things God has planned for us to do in our generation.  Neither will there be a legacy of inheritance passed to our children and grandchildren of all Gods wonderful promises! 

There is a whole lot of discord in America today.  Conflict and disagreements are the "norm" because many people have no foundation for what they believe.  They believe what they feel, and feelings are fickle.  They can change with the wind.  When people walk out their lives not sure exactly what they believe or why they believe it there is chaos.  Generations preceding us will show us those who stepped up to the plate of Gods call and made a difference in this world and they were a people with very strong convictions as to who God was and what He wanted them to do with their time, money, energy, and every other resource He put into their lives.  They were faithful to their call, and they made an impact on lives even up to today.  God wants us to be the same great movers and shakers in our communities and beyond but to do that we must come to believe the truth and the truth is found in God's Word.  That word is the foundation that has held this country together thus far.  Jesus came to reconcile the world to God; to restore us to a right relationship with our heavenly Father so that we could come to know Him and His ways.  To have the same mind set as Jesus is to have the same agenda as Jesus.  What are you doing help others get closer to God?  Standing on the corner handing out bibles is awesome, but it's not the only way to be a witness.  If we are open to every opportunity that He brings our way we can get really creative with how we learn God's word and how we share our faith.  Whether it’s a teacher encouraging a mom that she is praying and standing with her in faith for her child or a preacher that gets in a truck with a new believer to teach him God’s word every day, we are all presented with daily opportunities to help people get closer to the Lord.  In your relationship with others have the same mindset as Jesus and don't just look for opportunities to share your faith, live for those opportunities!

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. ~Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV)

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