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Walk in love and you will see victory

Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. ~1 Corinthians 13:8 (AMP)

The Lord tells us that His love in our hearts is able to bear up under anything and everything that comes. It endures everything without weakening. It is determined not to give up, even in the hardest case.  It can be tough to love someone who never seems to appreciate it or even respond to it.  It can be very difficult to keep showing love to those individuals who continually take all that we are willing to give but who never give anything back.  Extending forgiveness and loving those who refuse to even acknowledge they have done anything wrong can be what many people would see as “over the top” but God says when we have His love in our heart, He enables us to love others over the top and unconditionally!  That kind of love and forgiveness is what Jesus demonstrated throughout His walk here on earth and it is what the prophets foretold God would do in this age of grace.  Born again believers are children of God.  We are a new creation, per God’s word, with skills and abilities infused with the very power of God.   Jesus told us when the Holy Spirit came on us that we received power.  Do you have the power of God in your life?  Are you able to live a life that promotes the glory of God in the earth?  Are your prayers getting answered every day?  Our lives should be a powerful witness to the goodness and glory of God.  It is not really as much what we say, but who we are that catches the attention of those around us.  God is love and we should be also.  Not just acting lovely but being infused with love to the point where it would be preposterous for us to act or react in any other way!   

The Lord promises He will do, through the power that works in us, exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ever think or imagine.  That includes helping us manage our emotions!  Scripture teaches the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts.  That love is all powerful.  It can overcome even the toughest barrier.  It can build a bridge across what would seem to be the widest gap between people.  But someone has to believe it.  Someone has to step up to the plate and act on the truth that they have the ability to love supernaturally.  We need to stop looking at what others do and start looking at what we are doing.  We are not responsible for how others act, only how we act.  Our abilities do not depend on others and our reward does not come from others; it comes from God.  That reward today could be as simple as having peace in your heart knowing that you have done the will of God despite what everyone is doing around you.  Even when your good deeds seem to go unnoticed, God notices and promises to reward you openly for them.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:4 "Your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly."  (KJ2000)  A heart full of God’s love knows that if it refuses to quit, it will ultimately win the victory:  Don't fail to walk in love because love never fails!

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.  ~Galatians 6:9 (AMPCE)

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