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Unwrap your gifts from God!

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. ~Romans 12:6 (NIV)

The bible teaches every single person that has ever been conceived is endowed with unique gifts and special abilities from God.  This is why life matters to the believer.  This is why there are endless battles all over the earth to protect life.  We know there is an enemy to life, and we have been enlisted in the Lords army to fight that enemy on every front because every life is a gift from God!  There are uncountable tests and quizzes for people to take to try to discover what their gifts are, both for our natural and our spiritual gifts.  Those can be helpful, but the best way to determine our gifts from the Lord is to do some soul searching.  What do you enjoy doing?  What are you able to help others with that they aren’t able to do as effectively or efficiently for themselves?  Some people have a gift of administration.  They can help you get organized.  Some people have the gift of encouragement.  They know just the right words to say to make others feel good no matter where they have been or what’s going on in their life.  Some of us have a special ability to love and accept people unconditionally…and some of us have to work at it.  Others have a gift prayer.  They are able to get before the Lord in any place or at any time and stay there until they have His peace about a situation.  Have you ever met someone who could just drop everything and grab your hand and pray with you?  What a blessing that is when the people around us are walking in their destiny!

There is a world of people out there that desperately need God’s children to find and use their gifts and talents.  Yet so often we see ourselves trying to operate in other’s gifts.  We don’t want to take the time to figure out what our gifts and natural talents are because we are so busy watching everyone else and oftentimes, we are comparing ourselves to them.  The sad truth about comparison is that when the enemy brings the temptation to us to compare ourselves to others, he leaves out the truth that to be where someone is, you have to do and go through what that person had to do and go through.  We don’t always look at the time and effort and hours of work that went into a person being able to walk in their destiny by using their God given gifts.  We just see and want the success we see that they are experiencing, without the work and faith required to get there.  We can also get distracted on our search to find who God has created us to be.   What kind of benefit would we be to others if we took a break from searching for that last-minute present or perfect recipe and spent some time with Jesus?  Let's do it!  Let's ask Him to help us understand the unique gifts and talents He has endowed us with to make a difference in this world.  When we discover and learn to utilize the special abilities that we have been given by grace, we can accomplish big things for the Lord.   We can help those God puts in our path.  This is what we have been called to do.  If we don’t spend our time and energy using our gifts, we are working against ourselves trying to do and be something we are not.  Have you ever felt that way?  The years are flying by!  Unwrap your gifts from God and use them at every opportunity for His glory.

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.  This is why it says “When He ascended on high, He took many captives and gave gifts to His people.” ~Ephesians 4:7-9 (NIV)

What is your most recognized gift from God?

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