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Unbroken Fellowship

Consider yourselves also dead to sin and your relation to it broken, but alive to God [living in unbroken fellowship with Him] in Christ Jesus. ~Romans 6:11 (AMPCE)

When our relationship with sin is broken, we have freedom like we have never experienced.  This is what God wants for us and He provided the means for us to experience it through Jesus.  When we come to Jesus and repent of our sin we are restored to a right relationship with God.  We are given unbroken fellowship with our Heavenly Father.  Up until that point we are only familiar with our fellowship with sin, so it is very easy to “consider” ourselves alive to sin more than we "consider" ourselves alive to God.  Do you consider yourself dead to sin?  The pressures of this life can easily reveal what nature we identify with most.  Only in the testing times do we see what is truly in our hearts.  That is why it is so important that we spend time with the Lord.  So that we can grow in our relationship with Him.  When we do, we come to realize that being alive to God is much more than we could have ever imagined.  Those who do not know the Lord have no idea what broken fellowship with Him means because they have never enjoyed a relationship with Him.  Scripture teaches that those who do not know the Lord are spiritually dead.  This means they are not able to enjoy communion with God or recognize and follow His Holy Spirit.  These people are limited to their natural or intellectual knowledge and to their own common sense; they are unable to live by revelation or by the wisdom of God.  The word of God makes no sense to them.  But, after we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are made alive spiritually and God begins to speak to us, showing us things that we could not know without Him revealing them to us. 

We all have something to do and positions of responsibility in which we do not have all the natural knowledge to carry out the assignment given.  But, when we have an intimate, personal relationship with the Lord, He enables us to do things we are not fully trained to do.  God leads us, step-by-step, by His Spirit and with each step we take, He doesn't let go but continues to teach us and show us what to do for the next step.  When we trust in Him and seek His guidance, He not only enables us to do what we otherwise could not, He even shines through our imperfections making us look like a pro!  Has God ever made you look like a pro?  Maybe you went into something with the heart prayer “God I don’t know what I am doing but you do, and I am going to trust in you to help me get it done”.  Those are the prayers our testimonies are born out of.  Unbroken fellowship is vital for a believer.  We must be diligent to seek God first and listen for His voice along the way to be led supernaturally.  If we commit to that, He will teach us how to fulfill His purposes on this earth, for our lives and in the lives of others.   Those purposes are far greater than anything you could ever be trained to do and greater than anything you could ever imagine you could possibly do on your own.  When you live in unbroken fellowship with God “the sky is the limit” because your comforter, confidant and friend is directing your steps!

A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. ~Proverbs 16:9 (AMPCE)

Has God made you look like a pro at something?

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