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Trust in God's love and provision

I will meditate also upon all Your works and consider all Your [mighty] deeds. ~Psalm 77:12 (AMP)

Have you ever sat and watched the happenings surrounding a bird feeder?  It’s interesting to see the faith of God’s creation.  The birds don't seem to be anxious or worried about anything.  They are enjoying their life and receiving God’s provision.  That's how God wants us to live.  It seems doubt and unbelief are traits that are particular to mankind.  It’s a carnal way of thinking that doesn’t acknowledge God, His love, or His provision.   Jesus said in Matthew 6:27 “Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (NIV) We should know the scriptures well enough to know what God says about anxiety and worry.  That is the only way we are going to renew our mind to God’s way of thinking.  He tells us in Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV) Those words “do not” are a specific order from the Lord.  He doesn’t say “try not”, He says, “do not” and He wouldn’t ask us to do something He knew we could not do.  It should make us wonder if we have allowed ourselves to become addicted to worry and anxiety.  The definition of addiction is a strong and harmful need to have or do something.  Do you have a strong need to worry about tomorrow?  Do you have a strong need to be anxious about every ache and pain you experience in your body?  Or do you trust the Lord to take care of your tomorrows just like He has taken care of you up until today?  Do you trust that there is nothing you will ever go through without Him and that He is all you will ever need?

The Lord tells us how to not be anxious by instructing us to replace our anxiety with prayer and thanksgiving.  To do this we have to think about what we are thinking about.  Many of us have a long way to go in this area but there is no better day than today to put God’s word into practice.  Ask the Lord to give you understanding.  Understanding is a willingness to learn.  It’s a teachable spirit.  We need a teachable spirit for every area of our lives.  Otherwise, there would be no growth and growth is vital for our health.  Without understanding we stay stuck in our own reasoning which is a much lower perspective than what God would have us live in.  He wants us to learn His perspective.  We could all learn a lot from watching the birds.  Next time you get a chance to observe them, think about their acceptance of His love and provision.  Take note that the birds are eating and playing, and they are definitely not worrying about the bills on the counter, the faucet that needs replacing, the broke down car or anything else for that matter.  They know their creator and they believe that He will provide for all their needs.  Do you?  It’s time we cultivate a teachable spirit and get in God’s word and learn what He has promised us.  Then and only then will we be able to believe Him and walk in confidence that He is with us and for us continually.  Trust God with every detail of your life.  He says you are worth far more than the birds.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.   So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. ~Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV)

Do you know what the Lord has to say about your current situation?

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