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There is joy in today

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). ~John 10:10 (AMP)

Life is a journey—a process of advancement and progression.  God says choose well and we will live well.  As we move toward the future, we must be careful not to lose sight of the present and the enjoyment it can bring to us.  There is joy in today.  Many of us are not enjoying our lives because we have failed to realize that enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances, it is an attitude of the heart. Just because you didn’t get that promotion, or your children are acting like fools, or your car is on its last leg doesn’t mean you can’t lift your hands and thank God right now for a million other blessings He has brought into your life.  How about that pain that “mysteriously” went away after you muttered “Oh, Lord help me.”  I bet you don’t even remember that prayer request!  Think about what you were going through last year at this time.  Whatever it was God brought you through it and you can be sure whatever it is you are going through right now…God will bring you through it as well.  He is an ever-present God who lives in us by His Spirit.  The Lord says we are His temple.  Has the Lord brought you through something you didn’t think you could make it through?  Has your heart ever been broken to the point that you weren’t sure how you could go on?  Everyone has pain and everyone deals with grief but those who know the Lord have the word of God and He sent it to convey His love, wisdom, and strength.  When we decide to seek Gods word and let it change our approach to the circumstances we face in life, it makes a remarkable difference.

Our first line of defense when things don’t seem to be going in the right direct should be to take authority over our soul; that is our mind, our will, and our emotions.  What we think about, what we do and how we feel about any given circumstance is subject to change and we have the ability to change it because we are baptized in the Holy Spirit.  As a believer you have available to you the abundant quality of life that comes from God.  His Holy Spirit and His Kingdom are in your heart.  There is a wellspring of God's love and joy bubbling up from the inside of you so you can stop searching for it on the outside.  We have to learn to keep heaven in our sights and the circumstances on this earth under our feet.  Don’t continue to let what is going on in your world determine whether you are going to be happy and enjoy your day.  Trust the Lord to help you take authority over what is going on in your world by not letting it get to you.  Catch those little worries and aggravating thoughts before they turn to fear or panic.  Our “what if’s” should be for the positive, not to bring terror into our lives.  “What if” God comes through with something better than I ever could have imagined should be where our mind goes to when the enemy hits us with worries or doubt.  God has promised us an abundant life and He wants us to enjoy it to the fullest.  Our goal should be to catch Him blessing us throughout the day, every day.  When we do, it inspires our heart to praise Him even more!

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord my soul, and forget not all His benefits ~Psalm 103:1-2 (NIV)

What difficulties were you going through last year at this time? How has God brought you through?

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