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The world says repay evil; God says overcome it

We love because He first loved us. ~1 John 4:19 (NIV)

In a perfect world, everything would be fair.  You treat me well and I will treat you well.  But this world is not perfect, and Jesus came to teach us how to live in this imperfect world.  In the Lords eyes we have been made perfect, but all of our flesh is still very imperfect and imperfect people make mistakes.  One mistake we don’t have the luxury of indulging in is not walking in love.  Love is God’s greatest command and following in it will be our highest achievement on earth.  Jesus taught us of unconditional love, the kind that supersedes what others do or do not do.  Does your love supersede what others do?  Or has your love for others grown coldly conditional?  When people don’t act the way you think they should, do you become cold, bitter, or even resentful?  That can easily happen when we find ourselves in a position of being wronged or offended and have not previously made up our minds that we will handle everything the way the Lord expects despite how we feel.  Did you know that somebody is going to say something that goes cross with what you think or believe and it’s going to hurt because you thought you were on the same page?  Did you know somebody is going to do something that isn’t right to you at some point and it’s not going to feel good because you only want the best for them?  Did you know that eventually someone is going to put you off, ignore you or avoid you and it might really hurt since you truly love spending time with them?  Yep!  It’s going to happen, and you have to make up your mind before it happens that you are going to trust God with every bit of it knowing that every wrong you suffer will strengthen you to be able to walk in a deeper level of unconditional love as you let God give you peace and joy in the midst of your suffering.

Who do you have in your life that isn't deserving of your love and forgiveness?  Scripture teaches that living in unforgiveness and choosing to not walk in love will hinder our prayers.   Basically, the Lord says be willing to lay your life down just as I did, and I will receive you.  But if you choose to be the Lord of your own life then you will suffer the consequences of eliminating God’s will and His prefect ways from your life.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:38-39 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth”. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” (NIV)  Jesus was showing us the way people operating in this world and in their own knowledge handle conflict, but there is a better way.  The world says repay evil; God says overcome evil.  God tells us in Romans 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (NIV)  As believers we have a choice to live for ourselves or to live for God because we have the Holy Spirit who enables us to change.  The rest of the world does not have that option.  Repaying good for evil can be a difficult choice for even a mature believer, but it’s not a request it’s a requirement.   God’s going to give us all an opportunity this week to turn a wrong into a right.  Pray He gives you the wisdom and strength to take that opportunity and be a witness to this world that you love because He loved you first, unconditionally.  Live in God’s love and He will live in your heart.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. ~1 John 4:16 (NIV)

Who do you have in your life that isn't deserving of your love and forgiveness?

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