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The right room

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. ~John 14:1-3 (NIV)

Imagine a room with all your cares in it.  You open the door first thing in the morning, sometimes before your eyes open or your feet hit the floor.  You turn on the light switch and there they are…all your problems, hurts and lingering concerns…they all look up at you to see who is going to get your attention today.  But today is different.  You aren’t coming in to spend time with them.  You started your morning right today.  You didn’t open the door to that room until you went to the throne room. You entered His gates with thanksgiving and stepped right into the Holy of Holies to tell the Lord good morning and thank Him for this new day, to thank Him for giving you a new heart and a living hope that everything is going to be ok because He is with you and for you and no matter what is going on, you are going to commit to seek Him and His perspective first.  Then you got your mission for today…chin up, all is well…look for ways to help, love and encourage others…watch out and stay alert for the thoughts that will cause anger, bitterness, jealousy, and anything else that is going to cause your cortisol levels to soar…pay attention to the reaction your thoughts are causing in your body…and last but not least…keep a steady conversation with the Lord all day…make Him a part of all you are doing by sharing every detail of your life with Him. 

Then you think back to the last room you were in, God’s throne room, and you turn the light back off in the “cares” room and step out into your day as a giant slayer knowing that whatever comes up against you has already been defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.  As you step away from that door and leave those trouble and cares in the dark, you walk down the path where God’s word is guiding and confirming every step and you declare Gods glory will be revealed this day on every front!  The room you initially and continually spend time in is the influence that will rule your day.  Spend time your time with the Lord all day long and you absolutely will not regret it.  Don’t allow the devil to get you addicted to your problems, hurts or lingering concerns.  It’s truly the last place you want to be!  Eventually you will find that the more time you spend purposefully investing in your relationship with your Lord and Savior, the more of His disciple you will become.  You will begin to think like Him and act like Him and very soon, people will not be able to tell the difference between you and Him. That is the goal because that is the path to real life. Those who want to be smart hang out with the smartest person in the room.  God’s kingdom is a prayer away so if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you aren’t spending your time with Him, you can start right now.  All you have to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner, that you are so far from getting everything in life right you don’t know how to even start.  Ask the Lord to come into your life, to give you a new heart, a new perspective.  One that brings joy and peace and love and hope.  Release your faith in His goodness and love and great sacrifice for you when He gave His life on the cross so that you could truly live by having an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father. That is all it takes to be born again into the Kingdom of God. And trust me my friend, there is no other kingdom on this earth that you would rather be a part of.

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him. ~Psalm 40:3 (NIV)

Which room will you spend your time in today?

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