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The Lord delights to see you put your hopes in Him

It is impossible for God to lie. ~Hebrews 6:18b (NLT)

Do you believe that it is impossible for God to lie?  If so, what are you doing with His word?  God’s word is a gold mine!  It’s a treasure chest full of promises of His unfailing love towards us no matter where we are or what we have done.  God says all can be forgiven and all can be restored in our lives if we choose to accept the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for our redemption.  God has promised to be with us and for us and provide us everything we need for health and wholeness.  He has promised us a sound body and a sound mind!  Could you imagine making the promises God has made to you to your children?  They would be after you day in and day out to bring those promises to fruition for them.  That is exactly where God wants us to be.  Isaiah 62:6 tells us to put God in remembrance of His promises.  He wants us to remind Him just like our children remind us of what we have said to them.  The Lord also tells us in Jeremiah 1:12 that He watches over His word to perform it.  The Contemporary English Version reads “I always rise early to keep my promises.”  Do you believe God is ready to bring all the good promises He has made you to fulfillment?  Well, your faith in that truth can make it or break it!  We should be looking for the goodness of God to show up in our lives every day.  If we aren’t, we might want to think about what we are expecting today.  The bible is full of promises from God to provide, protect and heal us.  He wants to be our Father.  He wants us to trust in Him and believe that no matter where we are or what we have done He is there for us no matter what.  Just like any good father would be. 

We don’t have to be perfect to receive the promises of God, Jesus became our perfection.  But we do have to know what has been promised in God’s word and believe it.  The Lord tells us in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God.  What is keeping you from spending time with God in His word today?  That is the very thing keeping you from inheriting those promises.  It is important for us to believe that God cannot lie because if we don’t believe what someone says, we will not trust them.  We also won’t put any hope in them.  Scripture teaches that hope is the anchor for our soul.  When we lose hope, we lose a lot more than we think.   It changes both our attitude and our outlook.  People often say, “you better not get your hopes up”.  But the truth is, when it comes to putting your hope in God, you better get your hopes up and keep them up!  God cannot lie.  What He promises, He will do.  Spend time with Him in His word and fill your heart with what He has promised you.  If you need healing, find out what He says about healing.  If you need provision, find His promises that He will provide.   God delights to see you put your hopes in Him.   He will not let you be disappointed.  He will move heaven and earth to show you His great love so step out and hope in His goodness and trust Him.  His love will never fail!

The Lord’s delight is in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love. ~Psalm 147:11 (NIV)

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