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The Lord comforts His people

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. ~Psalm 94:19 (NIV)

In Psalms 94 we read about the anxiety that injustice and corruption can cause in our lives. We are all capable of submitting to worry and fear, but much of the anxiety we feel can also be caused by our own negative perspective. Changes that take place in our circumstances can cause fear and discouragement when they affect our everyday life. We need to remember that God doesn’t come and make His home in the ones He loves just to leave or forsake them. He is in it for the long haul. God is much more committed to us than we are to Him, and He is ok with that. He understands the fallen nature we were born into, and He has given His all to redeem us from it. He knew that the work that had to be done in our hearts and our minds was going to be a process when He called us, and He still called us. It’s important that we learn to turn that ship around when our mind “wanders and ponders” all the negative things we cannot do anything about. The Lord tells us in Psalm 37:34 “Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land…” (ESV) Have you ever met someone who just would not be consoled? They are either unable or unwilling to see the good. Undisciplined minds and attitudes must be dealt with and if we won’t deal with them ourselves and learn to trust God, He will help us with that. Scripture teaches we are to humble ourselves under God’s hand. The wilderness was a humbling place for the Israelites. They had to learn to be completely dependent on God one day at a time. And when they got past all their grumbling and complaining about not being able to be in control, God brought them into the Promised Land which contained ample provision for all their needs. When God consoles us, it brings joy. He wants us to see the positive in the midst of adversity and He enables us to if we will let Him.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be humble when you fail? Yet on the contrary, we can have great difficulty humbling ourselves and letting God be judge on the throne of our hearts when we have achieved or walked in great success. That is because at some point we started usurping Gods authority in our hearts. We live in a very negative and skeptical society with hurting people who are hurting people all around us. Until we learn to walk in humility and receive God’s consolation and comfort, we will not be able to comfort others. God can comfort you no matter what situation you are facing. In Isaiah 41:10 He tells us “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV) We wouldn’t need to be upheld if we could hold ourselves up. God knows we can’t always do that. He wants us to know that He always can and will. God doesn’t just want us to do and feel better, He wants us to shine! Trust Him with your heart today. Completely trusting God in our wilderness days is a beacon to others because everybody is looking for a source of hope. Make God your source of hope and He will never let you down. When anxiety is great within you, know that you are safe in the palm of His hand and let God’s consolation infuse you with joy. Then go out into the world and share what the Lord has done for you no matter what things look like on the outside!

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts His people and will have compassion on His afflicted ones. ~Isaiah 49:13 (NIV)

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