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Talk to the Lord

We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; He’s already a friend with you.  How?  You ask.  In Christ.  God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God. ~2 Corinthians 5:20-21 (MSG)

There is nothing more awesome than being a friend of God.  2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us what great lengths God went through to make this happen.  He actually paid the penalty for all our sin to reconcile us to Himself.  God reached out to us in our mess to enable us to come close to Him in His perfection.  When He made us righteous, He set His seal of approval on us and declared us acceptable in His sight.  There is no guilt or shame as we stand before God today.  Our past has been wiped clean and all things are made new!  Have you experienced this grace?  Do you know the wonderful joy of being a friend of God?  If not, today could be your day for transformation.  Only a transformed heart can fathom the riches of God’s grace and the treasure of His presence.  God is ready and waiting to not only hear from you but to speak to you as well.  Many people don’t realize that prayer is communication and communication requires both speaking and listening.  To receive the wisdom of God we must be able to hear from God.  That is why we have to learn to be still before the Lord and allow Him to speak to our hearts.  He tells us in His word to be still and know Him.  When was the last time you finished praying and asked God if there was anything He wanted to say to you?  It is definitely worth the time and effort to hear from heaven!

It is vitally important for our benefit and for the benefit of others to develop in our relationship with God.  He doesn't just want to be our acquaintance.  He wants to be our very best friend….and oh what a friend He is.  He wants to be our comforter when we are brokenhearted.  He wants to be our advocate when the enemy tries to cheat us out of our inheritance of peace and everlasting joy.  He has made us righteous through the blood He shed at the cross, so there is no reason why we cannot approach Him as confidently and as naturally as we would our own family members or closest friend.  Our relationship with our Father in Heaven should be the best relationship we have because He loves us perfectly.  God is love.  He can’t be or do anything else.  That means God has never had a bad thought about us.  He doesn’t see our imperfection; He sees Jesus’s perfection and He is always in the mood to hear from us and nurture us and bless us.  We have every right to be comfortable with God, to hear His voice and go boldly to the throne of grace to get the help we need for ourselves and for those He has put on our hearts.  Don’t take what Jesus did for you for granted.  Show Him you appreciate it by spending your time and energy in getting to know Him.   Talk to the Lord and spend time in His word.  Just like every other relationship, your relationship with God takes time and commitment!

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. ~1 John 3:2 (NIV)

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