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Surrender strengthens us

We are not our own bosses to live or die as we ourselves might choose.  Living or dying we follow the Lord.  Either way we are His. ~Romans 14:7-8 (TLB)

The paradox of surrender is that it produces both power and victory.  Obedience brings blessing.  Our temptations and problems can be defeated and overcome by Christ when we give them to Him.  When Joshua faced the biggest battle of his life, he went to God, fell before him, and surrendered his plan. Doing that brought Joshua a great victory not only for himself but for all of God’s people.  Surrendering our life to God doesn’t weaken us, it strengthens us.  When we surrender, we place ourselves in God’s hands and then we don’t have to fear or surrender to anything else.  Jesus said from the cross “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (NIV)  He surrendered to God and won the greatest victory of all, the victory over sin and death.  Have you given the reins of your life over to your Heavenly Father?  He has a right to them you know.  The bible teaches we have been bought with a price.  We have been redeemed by precious blood.  Our love and our loyalties should lie with our Savior Jesus Christ and at minimal we must acknowledge the depths which He pulled us from. 


We are told in Psalm 100:3 “Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are His. We are His people…” (GNB) and we are told in Romans 14:7 “We are not our own bosses to live or die as we ourselves might choose…” (TLB)   It has been said that the greatness of a person’s power is in the measure of their surrender.  To surrender is to yield your will and way to conform to God's will and His way.  It is to allow your attitude, your opinions, and your mindsets to be conformed to those which God has revealed in His word to be His own.  God's way of thinking and doing is always the right way, it’s the most beneficial, whether we see it from the beginning or not we can trust that to be true.  It might completely go against everything you feel or think to praise God in the midst of your suffering, but it's what puts you over the top instead of the bottom falling out from under you.  It might be hard to submit to those in authority over you because they are human and they are not always right, but God says He is the one who placed them there for the very purpose of you learning to submit.  If you can't honor the person, honor the position and you will honor God.  When you surrender to Christ, you fulfill the very purpose he died for — not just to save you from Hell but also to save you from your self-centered way of living.  Christians aren’t supposed to live for themselves but for their Savior.  God took the initiative, sending His one and only Son, because He so loved us.  Now our surrender to Him is the only appropriate response to that kind of sacrifice and we cannot show our love without surrendering to His.  Make it a point to surrender your will to God's and it will strengthen you and produce a level of power and victory you will never achieve on your own.

And He died for all, so those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. ~2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV)

What would surrendering to God look life for you today? Is there anything you need to trust Him with and let go of?

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