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Step out and shine today

He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he gained five talents more. And likewise he who had received the two talents—he also gained two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. ~Matthew 25:16–18 (AMP)

God has given to each of us blessings and talents.  But what are we doing with them?   Three servants are mentioned in this parable and two of them took a chance and invested what they had been given and both of them saw increase.  One servant went and dug a hole to put away his master’s money.  Sometimes we become so fearful of doing the wrong thing we don’t take the risks necessary to invest what the Lord has blessed us with.  We hold on to what we have with all our might never realizing that letting go might be what it takes to make room for something better, different, or even more.  Our fear holds us back from God’s best.  When we spend more time and energy fearing what tomorrow will or will not bring instead of using our time and energy trusting and thanking God who has promised to take care of our tomorrows, we hold ourselves back from God’s best.  What are you worried about?  It seems like the more we have the more we worry about what we aren’t going to have.  It might hurt our pride to simplify our lives a little bit, but aren’t we truly looking for a simpler life for the long run?  If so, we have to be willing to change and change means risk. 

We need to stop being afraid of making mistakes. We will never succeed without making mistakes and possibly many of them.  Our failings aren't who we are.  We are children of God who promises He Himself will make up the difference when we fall short.  Making mistakes is something we do as human beings, but we are still His children, and He has the ability to step in so that we can "fail forward" instead of falling into a rut if we trust Him with our lives. Our Father is long-suffering, plenteous in mercy, and filled with loving kindness.  We have promises in His unfailing word to give us confidence to keep moving forward knowing the Lord will work everything out in our favor.  The truth is scripture cannot be broken.  God’s word will stand at the end of the day.  It might not look like things are going your way or if you step out things might just fall apart but that could be an illusion.  Listen to the Lord.  The desires He has put into your heart are desires He alone can fulfill.  You will never be able to live a supernatural life in your own strength.  Jesus said He came that we would have an abundant life and if we aren’t we need to think about making some changes and the first thing on the agenda should be utilizing what we have been given to its fullest potential before we start squealing for more!  The Lord wants us to utilize our gifts and talent every single day.  He wants us to step out and shine with a content heart knowing He has our tomorrows!  Even if you fail, God will make you fail forward.  God wants us to have life to the full and that means fulfilling our potential!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ~John 10:10 (NIV)

What are you afraid of?

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