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Start asking for more!

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth (recount and tell aloud) all Your marvelous works and wonderful deeds! ~Psalm 9:1 (AMPCE)

We don’t have to be in church to have church. We can praise God and enjoy His presence today no matter what we have planned. There is a divine appointment waiting every time we decide we are going to seek the Lord, whether it be our own personal bible study, going to church or even meeting a friend to mutually encourage each other in the word. We can even enjoy the presence of the Lord at our jobs. We can expect that Jesus is always waiting to be called on to be a part of our life every day and in every circumstance. He doesn’t just want to be a part of our lives on Sunday morning. He is the best friend we will ever have, and He just so happens to be the creator of all things, the owner of all things and the distributor of all things, both physical and spiritual. What a friend we have in Jesus!

Every activity you have today is an opportunity to bring God on the scene. He says we have not because we ask not. We don’t want to get to the grocery store and not find a parking spot because we didn’t ask the Lord on the way to open a way. Some might think that is a pretty insignificant thing to ask God for, but if it means the difference between driving through the parking lot 3 times or being able to say, “Thank You Jesus!” I think I am going to talk to Him on my way. It’s interesting how people wouldn’t have a problem at all praying for someone to be safe on the road and for God’s protection, so they don’t have an accident but when it comes to asking Him for a parking spot, they think it’s ludicrous. But Jesus wouldn’t think it was ludicrous. He tells us in John 16:24 “You haven’t tried this before, but begin now. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow:” (TLB) I like the sound of “my cup of joy” overflowing! We need to remember that promise requires action on our part. We must ask. How hard is that? It’s not hard, but it can be humbling for some. For those who are in their “I can do it myself” mode. Have you ever seen a child (or an adult acting like a child) who refuses to be helped by someone with more knowledge or skill? Their frustration levels often rises due to their own hard-headedness! But we don’t have to live that way. We can go directly to the throne of God. God cannot answer prayers that haven't ever been prayed. Doesn’t that stir up your heart just to pray about everything today? We should love seeing prayers get answered. We should be catching God answering our prayers all day long. A parking spot is just one example of what God wants to do for us as we go through our day. He wants us to be so aware of His presence and His power that we lean on Him for every detail. If you want to praise God more, then start asking Him for more!

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. ~1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

What have you asked God for today?

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