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Speak Up!

And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age. ~Matthew 18:20 (TPT)

We all have a circle of influence.  We all have people watching us whether we realize it or not.  Not only our words but our actions and our environments speak to who we are and what we believe.  Mail Carriers, Door Dash and Amazon delivery drivers and even our garbage pick-up companies have a bird’s eye view of what is important to you and what isn’t.  We are all living and breathing witnesses to what we believe and who we are putting our trust in. The Lord tells us we are to faithfully follow all that He commanded us knowing that He is with us even to the completion of the age.  Our words and actions should indicate that we believe that truth.  When we do, we won’t be concerned as much about ourselves as we are about our mission to share the love of God and do the works of Jesus every minute of every day.  We will make it a point to live in integrity and deal wisely by always putting our best foot forward.  We will care about what our actions speak to our character with everyone, not just those we deem important to us.

It might not feel good to spend our time and energy discovering how God would have us to proceed and then doing it, but that is truly the best and only option we should consider. My mom used to say “can’t never could do anything”.  When we say we “can’t” it usually means that we don’t want to.  How are we going to talk back to nagging thoughts and maintain our joy if we slum in the mud and muck of doubt, unbelief and fear more than we spend time reading and meditating on Gods word?  God and His ways must not be something we consider every once in a while, or when we feel like it, they must be deliberately chosen every minute of every day.  What are you doing with God’s word?  Have you spent any time there today?  Have you asked Him to fill you to the brim with wisdom and ability and discernment to be able to face every challenge that comes your way?  We are deliberate when we go through a drive thru or get on an app and order exactly what we want from Starbucks or Chic Fil A, but are we deliberate with our petitions and requests knowing that God has our best interest at heart, and He will come through for us as we patiently trust Him and do life His way?  Today is a great day to take into account what your life is speaking to others.  Every thought, word and action says something and that something could be a great testimony to what God has done for you and how much you appreciate what God has done for you.  Don’t allow unforeseen circumstances to cause you to say and do something that you will regret.  Speak up with your words and actions that will bring glory to God, no matter what is going on around you!

…let the one who has my word speak it faithfully…Is not my word like a fire, declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks rock into pieces?” ~Jeremiah 23:28-29 (NIV)

How will you express your love for Jesus today?

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