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Shine among them like stars

And become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you. ~Ephesians 4:32 (AMP)

Every encounter we have today is an opportunity to show the love of Jesus to someone.  We all want others to see the light of God’s love reflected through our lives and nothing makes you feel better than encouraging or blessing another person.  That’s why Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.  But many people give to get.  You know the old “I’ll scratch your back and you scratch mine” mentality.   But Jesus says out with the old and in with the new!  He has made all things new for you so you can give cheerfully without any expectations because He is your source for everything you need, and He says you are the container for everything He has.  The bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver.  If you are giving to get, then you won't give cheerfully because you are always wondering in the back of your mind about the return.  But if you are giving according to scripture, your reward is coming from the Lord and there are no worries there.  There is no lack in God’s economy, only abundance, and it doesn’t start and end with finances.  In God’s economy there is an abundance of everything you need.  Whether it be comfort, healing, forgiveness, hope, joy…the list goes on and on.  When we know in our hearts that we could never out give God, it makes us radical givers.  We don’t mind dropping our agenda to help someone out.  We don’t mind dipping into the savings to make someone else’s dream a reality.  We actually find our joy in these acts.  Do you give of your time, talents, and resources cheerfully?  If so, scripture says God loves what you are up to!

The Lord wants to use us to impart abundance into lives that have lack, no matter what the area. He wants to enable you and use you to teach others what real abundance is and to bring healing to their broken hearts and minds.  As freely as God has given to us, we are to freely give to others.  The good, the bad and the ugly, because God is no respecter of persons, and neither should we be.  Our portion of the harvest is to help set the captives free from anything separating them from their Heavenly Father!  Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 “you are the salt of the earth.” (NIV)  We all know salt is used to give flavor to the bland.  Add some flavor to lives by showing the love of God today, at home, at work, wherever you go.  We do that by becoming useful, helpful, kind, tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding, loving, and forgiving.  Don't let the enemy trip you up by not forgiving others.  Get the strife out of your life.  Ongoing contention and unforgiveness will cause us to lose our zest!  We are called to forgive in the very second that we are offended, actually before if that were possible.  Keep your expectations in God and God alone and your disappointments will diminish.  It's only when we lay down our opinions and perspectives, and put on the character and attitude of Jesus, that we shine like stars in the sky!

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.  ~Philippians 2:14-15 (NIV)

Where are you giving your time, talents, and resources today?

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