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Settle yourself down and stand strong

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. ~Psalm 30:5 (AMPCE)

Most of us view pain as something to be avoided at all costs.  Our instinctive reaction to pain is to fight it which can actually increase the amount of time we have to deal with it. The more we understand how to react to pain without letting it excite or move us, the less it will be able to impact our lives.  Fitness experts say, “no pain, no gain”.  Obviously, there is a benefit to pain if we discipline ourselves to learn those benefits.  It’s when we press through the challenges and pains in life that we are able to see what God has for us on the other side.  Consistently doing what we know is right in the face of adversity brings victory.  God tells us in James 1:1 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (NIV)  To persevere means to continue steadfastly, not to fight or resist.  The only way pain is able to gain strength in our life is to resist it.  The opposite of resisting something is to relax or rest.  Jesus has told us to not let our hearts be troubled.

Many of us allow fear to take control when we experience anything unsatisfactory.  Fear mode is a fight or flight mode.  It doesn’t take much for us to rear our ugly head or prepare to jump ship when dealing with pain or stress but operating in fear leaves no room for discipline or to settle ourselves down.  When we choose to operate in faith, we stare our fears in the face, we steady our mind, will and emotions and demand they conform to God’s word.  In Philippians 4:6 Paul writes “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV)  Have you ever been anxious about anything?  Was your first response to fear or to pray?  The Lord says in all things bring your requests to Him.  That should be our goal.  From the greatest to the smallest needs, we should be taking them all to the Lord.  That is the only way we are going to experience peace in this world.  He says His peace that surpasses understanding will guard our hearts and minds.  Have you experienced that kind of peace?  It’s the kind that makes those around you wonder how you could be so calm no matter what the situation.  That is a testimony to your faith.  If we act like the rest of the world when our world looks like it is falling apart, we aren’t standing up or out for Jesus and attesting to what a mighty God we serve.  We have to learn to settle ourselves down and communicate with God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.  You can start by telling the Lord “Thank you Father that you are in control of this situation, and I am trusting you to show up big on my behalf”.   Scripture teaches that God wants us to persevere, so encourage yourself today that no matter what type of pain or anxiety you are dealing with, physical, mental, or emotional, you are going to stand strong!  Pray and then relax and let God bring you through.  He says victory is waiting for those who stand strong and trust in Him.  

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. ~Psalm 126:5 (NIV)

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