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Relax a minute

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. ~Isaiah 26:3 (AMPCE)

God says that when we keep our mind on Him, lean on Him, and hope confidently in Him, that He will keep us in perfect peace.  For this to occur we must trust Him during any and every circumstance we experience in life.  We must be “ever ready” to believe God loves us and confidently cling to our position in Christ knowing that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord.  Even if things don’t look like they are working out very well and even if things look like they are going from bad to worse, we can still have peace if we keep our mind on God’s promises to us.  Are you experiencing perfect peace right now?  If not, the problem could be you have gotten your mind off God and on yourself or a "situation" that you are dealing with.  In Ephesians 2:6 we read “and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” (NIV) That is a great scripture to meditate on when you have trouble getting your mind off your troubles. It reminds us that God has lifted us above our circumstances.  Our peace is something the enemy would love to steal, but to do it he has to get our mind off trusting God.  One way he does that is when we get tired and weary.  We tend to have trouble focusing during those times and that’s when the enemy comes in.  The enemy does not always come at us from the front but oftentimes he comes from behind.  In other words, if he can’t tempt us, he will begin to push us.  One thing you can be sure of is that your enemy is relentless.  He will use anything and anyone that will let him heap difficulty upon difficulty in your life to steal your peace.  That is why it is so important that we keep our eyes on the Lord and what He is capable of doing verses wearing ourselves out worrying about what only God can take care of.  Allowing our worries and anxieties to push us into hasty decisions will cause us to backtrack every time! 

All decision making should occur during peaceful times from a rested spirit. We need to take a step back when we have trouble figuring out a problem or when we have prayed about a situation but are tempted to "work" on it ourselves for a little bit.  It's never a bad idea to give something a little more time and attack the issue again when we are refreshed.  Listen to the Lord when He tells you to “be still”.  Get in the presence of God today and relax a minute, get your "situation" off your mind, and let the Lord restore your soul like He promised He would.  Spend some time looking at all you have in your life to be thankful for. Then you will be refreshed to accomplish your goals and make the decisions you need to in patience and in love.  If you have put something in God's hands, then leave it there.  The enemy wants nothing more than for you to take it back and try to do something about it yourself.  Give God a chance to work, time means nothing to Him.  He works by the job, not by the hour.  He is not on your time clock.  He accomplishes His work in "His perfect time" which is always "the perfect time" for you.  So, commit yourself to Him, lean on Him and hope confidently in your God!

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” ~Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

Do you have trouble keeping your mind off your troubles? How do you plan on keeping your mind stayed on the Lord today?

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