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Rebellion prolongs our problems

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. ~Romans 8:28 (AMPCE)

After John 3:16, Romans 8:28 is probably one of the most quoted Bible verses among Christians.  This scripture has brought comfort and peace to many of us as we have gone through difficulties and hardships. It gives us hope that no matter what pains and disappointments come into our lives everything will eventually work out for our good if we continue to trust in God’s great love for us.  Consistently trusting God is the key to victory in painful and seemingly unjust situations. Scripture teaches that faith and prayer move the hands of God.  God says He makes “all things” work together for our good.  It doesn’t matter what negative circumstance you see around you today, you can confidently declare that God is working on your situation or problem, and it will all turn out for your good, but you have to maintain your faith to see the circumstances turn around.  The Lord tells us in Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV) 

Many times, it is our own rebellion that prolongs our problems.  We cast off our faith and wallow in self-pity until it turns to entitlement.  That’s when we get ourselves into trouble because entitlement comes from a prideful heart and God says it’s the humble heart that He exalts.  If you are going through something today that you cannot imagine being God’s will for your life, just surrender it to Him.  Tell Him you might not know why you are dealing with this situation, but you are going to trust Him in it.  Then do what you know is right, to the best of your ability and be patient, God will bring you through.  Keep your spirit calm and your mouth closed.  That can be hard for some of us, but we have to get to the place where we are able to peacefully trust God with our lives and the lives of those we love.  We also need to remember that loving others is not a request it is a mandate.  We might not have a vested interest in people that seemingly make our lives more difficult, but God has a vested interest in them and that is reason enough to commit ourselves every day to love others no matter what!  The Lord tells us in 1 John 4:20 “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar…” (NIV) If you have any bitterness and complaining in your life that should be a wake-up call to get on your face before God so that you can get your heart healed.  Many of God’s children died in the wilderness, never to see the Promised Land that God had promised them because of their rebellious grumbling about where they were still at and what God hadn’t done yet.  What hopes are you hanging on to?  What promise are you waiting to see God fulfill?  What is your attitude in your wilderness?  We need to put aside any rebellion that lies in our heart and wait on God to fulfill His word in our lives.  The truth is that God is always going to have His way in the end and eventually we are all going to come around to His way of thinking.  So why prolong the process? 

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. ~Luke 22:43 (NIV)

What hopes are you hanging on to? What promise are you waiting to see God fulfill?

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