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Quit quarreling with God

Quit quarreling with God! Agree with Him and you will have peace at last! His favor will surround you if you will only admit that you were wrong. ~Job 22:21 (TLB)

This scripture is very clear about the benefits we experience when we surrender our will to Gods will.  He says agree with Him and we will finally have some peace.  He says His favor will surround us if we will admit that His word is the final authority in our life.  Do you know what it means to have God’s favor surround you?  It’s an awesome experience.  Having the favor of God on your life is an anointing.  People want to bless you.  They want to help you and enrich you.  You are attractive to all good things, and it flows to you because God is in you and with you and His favor is on you.  It’s only when we surrender our selfishness and control that we truly begin to live the good life God intended for us to.  Jesus said in Mark 8:35 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” (NIV)  Have you traded your will for Gods?  Do you consistently allow how He tells you to handle your relationships and finances trump how you would prefer to handle them?  Do you give and forgive according to scripture, or do you do it your way until things fall apart and then start seeking to do it the Lord’s way?  God is able to use a surrendered life in amazing ways.  We have been set free from our self-preoccupations.  The Lord tells us in Romans 8:18 “you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.” (NIV)

When we refuse to surrender our will to God’s we are acting in pride.  The bible actually calls us “mockers”.  Proverbs 21:24 says “The proud and arrogant person-- “Mocker” is his name…” (NIV)  Jesus said “whoever is not with me is against me.” (NIV)  Jesus was for God’s will, are you?  There is no in-between.  You are either going to do it God’s way or your way.  Scripture confirms following the Lord is in our best interest in Proverbs 9:12 by telling us “If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.” (NIV)  Some of the worst kinds of suffering we can experience is the suffering we have brought upon ourselves. Following God’s commandments and living according to His word not only enables us to be ready to do His will, but it also minimizes our regrets!  Have you ever thought about why God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus?  Her reply to the angel who announced the news tells us the answer.  In Luke 1:38 Mary responds to God’s plan by saying “I am the Lord’s servant!  Let it happen as you have said.” (CEV)  How do you respond when you read in God’s word His plan for your life?   The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV)  When you read that plan for your life do you respond as Mary did?  Do you tell God that you are all in and say, "let it happen as you have said"?  A surrendered heart is a powerful tool in God’s hands and a surrendered person always responds, “I am the Lord’s servant; His will be done”.  That kind of attitude puts us in harmony with God and ends the quarreling within our hearts!

In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:6 (NIV)

What would you have to give up to trade in your will for Gods will?

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