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Purpose your heart

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." ~Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV)

Notice that if you dwell in the shelter of the most High you will rest?  Rest is a big deal in this day and time.  It is so elusive that people are taking pills to get some.  There are unseen enemies to us resting in the Lord all around us and their names are fear, doubt, worry and unbelief.  God in His word tells us to banish all existence of them in our lives.  He even tells us how to do it….” I will say of the Lord”.   What are you saying of the Lord?  Are you saying with God all things are possible when doubt arises?  Are you saying I will be anxious for nothing but will present my petitions to God with thanksgiving and I know because His word says it that His peace will guard my heart and my mind.  We all have to tear down walls of fear and doubt if we are going trust God as our “refuge and fortress” and if we are going to live in His perfect will for our lives.  We come to understand the will of God by spending time in His word.  The more of the word we know and understand the more ability we will have to put our faith in the Lord and do the things He is calling us to do.  Fears and doubt are sure to come, and they can paralyze us if our hearts are not purposed.  We have to decide we will not allow them to rule over us and then we have to stand by that decision no matter what circumstances may arise.  Taking steps of faith can leave us feeling like we are dangling out in thin air.  We know God wants us to make changes, but changes can be difficult.  Risks can be frightening when we don’t know what’s around the corner.  Fears and doubts come in the form of questions like “Can I really do what God is telling me to?” or “What happens if this fails, or I lose ground here?”  Sometimes we wonder if the step we are taking is one forward or if it is going to put us two steps back.  Letting go can be a daunting challenge, but sometimes we have to let go of one thing to make room for another.


The Lord is ready to lead us into and through the changes that are necessary for us to move forward in life, but we have to do it His way and sometimes His way might seem a little like going backwards.  Jesus said in Matthew 18:3 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (NIV)  That sounds like going backwards to me, but when you think about it, it makes perfect since.  Have you ever seen a baby take their first steps?  It’s obvious they are unsure of themselves and their abilities.  But if they have someone standing in front of them that they trust they will step out and when they keep focused on where they are headed, they usually make it.  More often than not it’s the distractions that cause the fall.  Keep your eyes on God today.  You can trust Him.  Walk the way you know He wants for you to walk and trust that He will be there to catch you if you fall.  Step out in faith on the promises He has given you.  Be careful of distractions, but not so careful you don’t take the risk.  God isn’t going to go into a panic if you make a mistake and you shouldn’t either!

For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, ~Proverbs 24:16a (NIV)

What step of faith is the Lord leading you to take today?

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