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Promote Goodness

But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. ~Philippians 3:16 (NLT)

Very rarely do we hear sermons about “backsliding” anymore.  Backsliding is a term used for not holding on to the progress you have made.  We all backslide every day in one way or another.  We know the right thing to do, but we choose not to do it.  Or we know what we shouldn’t do, and we do it anyway.  It’s our human nature that we will continue to struggle with as long as we live in these mortal bodies, but hopefully that struggle will become less and less as we diligently seek to live according to God’s word.  When bad choices become a lifestyle, we lose our witness.  Consistency is the key in any endeavor, spiritual or physical.  You might win the Tour de France one year, but if you don't consistently train for it the next year your chances are going to go down, and down and down.  Just like you may have a happy marriage one year, but if you choose to walk in anger and unforgiveness your chances of having a happy marriage next year are going to go down and down and down.  We have to learn to consistently make good, godly choices to enjoy the successful life God has planned for us.  First and foremost, we have to learn to unselfishly seek the best for others and to do things for their benefit; that is what the Lord refers to as “brotherly love”.   Our desire should be the very same desire Jesus had which was to do God’s will and bring glory to our Heavenly Father in all we do.

Salvation transferred us into the Kingdom of God but growing up spiritually requires exercise and part of that exercise is making good choices.  The Lord tells us in 1 Timothy 4:8 “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (NIV)  Where do you stand in “godliness training”?  Have you made up your mind to spend time with God in His word and in His presence?  Have you committed your walk to being one of love and forgiveness?  Are you trying to be more like Jesus every day?  The truth is that every day we grow in one manner or another.  We can grow to be more like our Lord if we follow Him or we can grow to be more like what we see in the world if we choose to let go of “the progress we have already made.  Today, each and every one of us will be maintaining old habits and creating new ones that will leave lasting consequences on our lives, our faith and on others.  Make it a habit to encourage others and to be a blessing because you have been blessed.  Choose to promote goodness and shrink from every form of evil and the sin that keeps you off the path the Lord has destined for you.  Each day is a new day to turn your entire life around by going to God and confessing you took the wrong path at that last fork in the road.  Ask Him to pick you up and set you back on the right track, the one that will bring glory to Him.  God promises to change our hearts if we will just go to Him and ask so that we can truly enjoy our lives.  That is a promise worth holding on to!

The Lord your God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants, so that you will love Him with all your heart and soul and so you may live! ~Deuteronomy 30:6 (NLT)

How much time per day do you spend in training in godliness or acting more like God?

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