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Prayer is an opportunity

For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance. ~Philippians 1:19 (NLT)

Who are you praying for today?  Did you know that between your prayers and the Holy Spirits help people can be delivered and changed?  They are delivered from their bondage and strongholds that may have been with them for longer than they can even remember.  We are all blind in many areas of our lives.  We look from the outside in, instead of looking from the inside out.  We have more excuses than real answers for the way we act and most of the time those excuses fly off the end of a pointing finger.  If we are able to identify a weakness in someone then we should see that as a prayer opportunity.  Opening your eyes to these prayer opportunities and acting on them positively will change your life!  How often do you see an opportunity to pray for someone in your day?  Have you encountered any hurting people?  Broken people?  Lost people?  Of course, you have.  When we are exposed to adverse situations and people who are in the midst of the pain and struggles of this life it is because we are carrying an anointing to make a difference.  We have the Holy Spirit on the inside of us and the bible teaches He is like the wind blowing.  He moves through our lives into circumstances that the Lord wants to make a difference in.  Our hearts are His and our lives should be also.  We should be prepared to bow our knees in prayer for those we encounter in our daily walk.  We should be ready to be led by the Holy Spirit of God at any given moment.

We need to start seeing prayer less as a duty or religious obligation and more as a means of communication that brings God's power on the scene and into the lives of others.  Prayer taps us into the supernatural power of Almighty God.  When we spend time in prayer, we are not only investing in our relationship with God, but also in our relationship with others.  Paul opens his letter in Philippians 1:3 stating, “Every time I think of you I give thanks to my God.” (NLT)   Who are you thanking God for today?  Did you know that thanking God is praying?  Examine your heart and be honest…are you truly thankful for the people God has placed in your life?  If so, then you should be expressing that in your prayer life.  The Lord tells us in Philippians 1:9-10 “I pray that your love will flow more and more…for I want you to understand what really matters…” (NIV)  You can’t have a steady flow of love and a steady flow of anger, bitterness, resentment or gossip coming from the same heart.  A steady flow of love comes from a grateful heart so take the opportunity that God has given you today to be thankful for and pray for those the Lord has placed in your path.  They are in your life for a reason.  Live up to your calling by letting the Lord use your life for His kingdom.  Our prayers don’t have to be lengthy or filled with extravagant vocabulary.  God hears our hearts, and He acknowledges every love inspired motive.  The right attitude is always to serve in love so set your mind to be a light in this dark world.  Praying for others is part of the righteous character people see in us that will result in praise and glory to God!

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ - for this will bring much praise and glory to God. ~Philippians 1:11 (NLT)

Who are you praying for today? Who are you thanking God for?

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