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Our true character is revealed in the pressure cooker

For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening… nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  ~Romans 8:38-39 (AMP)

To fully understand all the different facets of love, we must understand the two types of love: the God-kind of love and man’s love. Man’s love tends to fail and give up; but God’s love does not.  Man’s love is finite and can come to an end; but God’s love is infinite and eternal. Man’s love is dependent on favorable behavior and circumstances; God’s love is not.  We place conditions on our love, but God’s love is unconditional.  How do you love?  God does not require us to earn His love, and we must not require others to earn ours. As believers in Jesus Christ, the love we are to bring and display to the world is the unconditional love of God flowing through us to them.  We cannot do that if we do not receive God’s unconditional love because you cannot give what you do not have.  If you are in Christ then you are “in” so to speak, you have that love, you just need to believe it and receive it so that you can perpetuate it.  If you are in Christ, you are able to love supernaturally, you are able to forgive supernaturally, you are able to be joyful supernaturally no matter what the circumstances.  People and problems don’t get you down because you are in Christ!

Knowing the truth about what you are able to do in Christ doesn’t mean that loving people unconditionally is not going to be a challenge sometimes.  We can’t pray to be able to love the unlovely and then do our best to avoid every unlovely person God sends our way.  It’s amazing how boxed in we can feel when we are being “rubbed wrong” and we are unable to change someone’s mind, attitude or agenda.  Don’t you just want to run?  Or even push them away?  But God says no.  He says trust Me in this situation, keep loving unconditionally and I will be Lord of the outcome.  I wonder if we don’t push away seeing the Lords promises for others by not having the right attitude ourselves?  That’s exactly what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness.  They grumbled against God and each other incessantly!  Begin paying attention to what you are saying about those difficult people in your life.  If it doesn't line up with God's requirements nip it in the bud.  It's only holding you back!  The Lord tells us in Galatians 5:15 “if you criticize and attack each other, be careful that you don’t destroy each other.”  (GW)  Believe it or not difficult people in your life will actually help you because they will sharpen and refine you for God’s use when you set your mind to handle every situation God’s way and not how you think is best.  It’s in the pressure cooker that our true character is revealed.  Ask God to help you to love others today without putting conditions on that love.  Remember that as you do, God is refining you and strengthening your character!

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. ~1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 (NIV)

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