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No matter the task, trial, or trail...

Fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again. ~Genesis 46:3-4 (KJV)

Jacob must have shuddered at the thought of leaving his homeland “the land of his father” and going to live among strangers, especially strangers of a different culture. New scenes can be trying on us. Although change is the most constant thing in life, we tend to fight against it tooth and nail. Rarely can we venture out into something new without any anxiety. Especially when it seems like there is no possible way that “new scene” could be a place where God can expand us and make us into a great person. But God made it clear to Jacob that was the direction He expected for him to go. Jacob had a choice, he could either trust God to be with him during his tenure in Egypt or he could rebel against God and possibly prolong his stay like the Israelites did in the desert. When God makes it clear what door we are supposed to go through by closing all the other doors, we know it is time to move and we don’t have to be believers long to know God doesn’t always use the ways we think He is going to help us to actually help us. As a matter of fact, God rarely uses conventional ways to help us grow and mature our spirit man. Conventional ways are earthly ways and God’s ways are higher than anything we could ever come up with. His perspective is panoramic. Have you ever looked back at an experience that initially seemed too difficult but actually ended up being a great opportunity to expand your horizons? God promises us in Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord." (NIV) The treasure God has to be found in secret places might just be the very place you are apprehensive about going!

We are called to press on to become all God has called us to be and to do all He has called us to do. We have to keep moving and learning and growing. How often have you found yourself in a position where you have to keep pressing on in unfamiliar territory? That’s called life and you aren’t really living, much less growing if you never do anything different. Every day we are called to venture into the unknown. If we are smart, we will imitate Jacob’s example by praying and seeking Gods direction first thing. Jacob looked to God for clear direction and the Lord’s blessing and so should we. When we know it’s God’s will for our lives then we know it’s time to stand up on the inside! It’s no easy thing to banish doubts and fears without the presence of the Lord. But the assurance that God is with us wherever we go will enable us to overcome any obstacle and give us the courage to do everything the Lord deems necessary to fulfill His will for our lives. Be confident today that no matter what task, trial or trail you find yourself on, God will be with you and take care of you from start to finish. Without Him we should fear to move, but with Him we should be ready for anything!

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ~Matthew 28:20 (NIV)

What task, trial or trail has God used to develop your spirit man?

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