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Never trust your fears more than you trust your God

The Lord of hosts—regard Him as holy and honor His holy name [by regarding Him as your only hope of safety], and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread... ~Isaiah 8:13 (AMP)

We should never trust in our fears more than we trust God.  The Lord tells us in the eighth chapter of Isaiah that fearing man is distrusting God.  Dread is defined as having extreme fear or anxiety towards something and dread is a joy buster.  When we allow ourselves to dread something it takes away all our peace and all our joy.  In Philippians 4:13 we read “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (NKJV)  It’s important for our joy and confidence that we commit this scripture to memory.  Then when we have a situation that arises where we find ourselves fearful or anxious, we are able to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ.  Do you know who you are in Christ?  The Lord says you are an overcomer.  He says nothing can separate you from His eternal love.  He says He will be your rock and your refuge in the midst of every storm.  We need to remember that Jesus has delivered us from the power of fear.  The Lord confirms that truth in 2 Timothy 1:7 telling us “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (KJV)

It doesn’t matter how powerful, loving, or sane you felt when you woke up this morning.  God’s word stands higher than your feelings.  It is truth and what we see more often than not are just unsubstantiated facts.  Sure, there are going to be troublesome days, but that doesn’t mean you have to let those troubles get you down.  Sometimes we don’t even have a good reason to feel the way we do.  That is reason enough to doubt our emotions!  We need to pray and ask God to show us every time we begin to dread anything.  Dread is one of the deepest forms of anxiety and when we begin to feel dread, we are not believing God’s word that we are more than conquerors and thoroughly fit for whatever comes our way.  Dread is the kind of fear that will drain your energy so train yourself not to dread but to tackle life head on.  God does not always make the unpleasant things in life go away, and if that is the case you can take heart in knowing He will provide the courage to walk through whatever you encounter today with confidence.  He knows what we are going to face before we ever get there, and He has prepared the route for our success.  Our job is to know that in our heart of hearts and do not allow ourselves to be discouraged.  The only way you can keep from being discouraged is to spend some time encouraging yourself!  Get in God’s word and find out what He has to say about your finances, your dreams and even your health.  You have promises for it all so trust God and do not allow fear or dread to have any place in your heart.  We are believers and that is what we do…we believe the word of God!

Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight.” ~Joshua 10:25 (NIV)

What has God given you the courage to walk through?

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