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Need a quiet retreat?

You're my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me. ~Psalm 119:114 (MSG)

It’s very important for believers to spend time with God every day.  In Psalm 119:114, David says of God that He is his place of quiet retreat.  Do you need a quiet retreat?  Is the distance that creeps in when you get so busy you don’t have time to spend in God’s word causing discouragement and dissatisfaction in your life?  Could it be that we go and go and go so fast that our lives seem to blow by in a blur?  Sometimes we get down and discouraged and don't even know why.  Maybe there is an unfulfilled dream that we just haven't spent enough time in the Lord’s presence for Him to give us clear vision and direction to possess.  Maybe there is dissention in your family, and you know that spending more time with the Lord would give you the peace and patience you need to endure until you see the restoration you have been praying for.  Whatever it is, our relationship with God is vital to our physical and spiritual health because His word renews our mind, and His presence restores our soul.  Have you experienced that kind of atmosphere when you spend time with the Lord?  When Moses spent time with the Lord, God’s glory was so illuminating that it caused Moses to come out of God’s presence shining!  That happens to us as well.  Starting our day with the Lord enables us to confront obstacles head on.  It gives us the strength and confidence to be proactive instead of reactive because God’s word is stored up in our heart and He reminds us of everything He has told us.  We are able to encourage others because we have taken the time to allow God to encourage us and show us His amazing promises!

When we conform to the pattern of this world and don’t spend time with the Lord letting Him build us up, it's easy to get to a place where we become down and discouraged.  We are told in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (NIV)  If the retreat you run to every time you have a minute to yourself isn't refreshing and restoring your soul, you might want to rethink your direction.  God wants us to invest our time and energy into a personal relationship with Him, but more often than not, our flesh seeks stimulation that cannot bring us that soul peace and rest that the Lord can.  Many times, what we run to for rest is actually unprofitable for our spirit and carries no lasting benefit.  Unprofitable things can even render us ineffective and unfruitful in our daily walk with God and others.  What are you doing to transform your mind?  Have you read the Word of God long enough for it to change what you believe and who you are?  The truth is, we are a people in great need of unlearning a bunch of junk.  Past hurts and failures talk to us if we let them and can paralyze us, preventing us from moving forward in the destiny that God has planned for us.  But we don't have to go far to get a new perspective, we just need to spend some time with the Lord.  He makes our crooked paths straight, moves mountains and parts the sea of adversity in our lives when we seek Him.  Nothing on earth is more powerful than the word of God and it is pertinent to every area of your life!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. ~Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

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