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Live to please God

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. ~1 Thessalonians 4:1 (NIV)

It has been said that the desires and prayers of a good man will exactly agree with the will and command of a good God.  Therefore, we must ask ourselves the question "do my desires and prayers line up with Gods will and commands?"  When we respect and honor the word of God it gives us confidence towards God and courage in ourselves along with clarity for our future.  God's word becomes our guide.  It reveals who God is, what He wants to do in this world and what role He wants us to play in His great purposes. David said Gods word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  When you spend time in God’s word it gives you vision for how to deal with difficult people in your life.  It opens your mind to see financial burdens, physical burdens and emotional burdens from God’s perspective.  The Lord reveals to us through His word how He expects us to act and even respond in any given circumstance.  Our prayers and desires are only going to line up with God’s will and commands when we commit ourselves to knowing God’s word and then living it out in our daily life. 

In 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul wrote, “And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe." (NIV)  Scripture teaches us that God’s Word is at work in those who believe it, it also says God’s word is living.  A living word manifests what it proclaims.  Just like yours and my words are compared to rudders steering the course of our lives.  Our words can bring life, or our words can bring death and every word spoken is preceded by a thought.  That is why it vitally important to line our thinking up with God’s way of thinking. When was the last time you made up your mind to do something the way you knew the Lord would expect you to do it?  When was the last time you chose to forgive and let go of something somebody did or is doing to cause distress in your life?  Take your burdens to the Lord, leave them there and walk away with a lighter load knowing you are called to love and forgive and let God deal with all the rest of that junk.  No matter what you see today, believe that God’s word is working in your life, and it will produce a breakthrough.  Make the word of God the rule in your life, with no exceptions to the rule!

Those whose way is blameless—who walk in the Lord’s Instruction—are truly happy! Those who guard God’s laws are truly happy!  They seek God with all their hearts.  They don’t even do anything wrong! They walk in God’s ways. God, you have ordered that your decrees should be kept most carefully.  How I wish my ways were strong when it comes to keeping your statutes. Then I wouldn’t be ashamed when I examine all your commandments.  I will give thanks to you with a heart that does right as I learn your righteous rules.  I will keep your statutes.  Please don’t leave me all alone! ~ Psalm 119:1-8 (CEB)

Do your desires and prayers line up with Gods will and commands?

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