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Life Happens

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. ~1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)

There are some things we can control in life—where we work, who our friends are, what we like to do for fun, etc. Then there are things in life we cannot control—what other people say and do, the fluctuations of the stock market, a flat tire. How we react to the things we can't control helps determine our stress level and ultimately our health. Sometimes our mind is so undisciplined that we don’t even know we have reacted until the dust settles and the outcomes are set. This can be a tragic way to live. We don't hear often enough about how much what we think about affects our lives, but it does, and God’s word confirms it over and over again. We are told to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That means we must be willing to put aside our disobedience, which is our stubborn unwillingness to hear what God is saying. We have to learn to hear the voice of God and then act on it. People who regularly get upset over small things suffer in many ways. People who learn to take their thoughts captive and cast their cares on the Lord tend to do a lot better, both spiritually and physically. We are never going to learn to react appropriately in every circumstance until we build ourselves up in faith. The Lord tells us faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. How much of God’s word have you ingested lately? How many sermons have you heard? How much of the bible have you read? If faith comes by hearing and we aren’t spending any time with God’s word, we aren’t going to have much faith when we need it, and faith is what makes us overcomers. Faith enables us to look at a situation form Gods perspective. We see obstacles become opportunities when we look at them from the eyes of faith.

The enemy would love for us to believe that taking our thoughts captive and casting our cares on God is indifference, but the truth is, there are many situations in life that we are not in control of and trying to take control takes God out of the driver seat of our lives and puts us in and many of us came to know the Lord because we didn’t do such a hot job in that driver seat the first time around. A person who has faith has disciplined their mind and they have no trouble realizing that the flat tire has already happened; dealing with it makes sense, throwing a tantrum, cursing, and kicking it doesn't. They might not know why it happened, but they trust that God is good no matter what circumstance presents itself. God wants us to know and understand that the disciplined approach is the low stress and healthy approach. Life happens and God works in mysterious ways to help us learn to discipline our minds. He gives us opportunities of adversity every day to make the right decision and step up to a higher level of thinking which always ushers in a higher level of living. Don’t get upset about what is beyond your control. Just do your best to take your thoughts captive and cast your cares on the Lord. Then watch Him take care of you better than you could ever take care of yourself!

Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God, and once again I will praise Him, my Savior and my God. ~Psalm 43:5 (GNT)

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