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Let God's Spirit invade your heart and change your mind

And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. ~Romans 8:27 (NLT)

It’s no surprise to God that we don’t have it all together.  He is not shocked by our inadequacies or inconsistencies.  He has actually prepared for each and every one of them by sending us His Son and then His Holy Spirit.  Scripture teaches God hears our hearts.  When the Spirit of Christ comes into our lives, we change from the inside out.  It’s a heart change.  Others cannot always see it, but we know we have been changed because we are born again with both a new nature and a spiritual appetite.  No longer do we want to feed on anger or gossip.  That is like junk food that will leave a believer sick to their stomach.  No, the new creation, the man or woman of God with a recreated spirit has a different desire that the Holy Spirit sets into motion when He comes on the scene.  Can you identify with a change of heart?   Are you able to say God’s Spirit has invaded your heart?  Has His presence in your life begun to change your mind?  Has He given to you a new perspective to the life you are living?  God tells us in Romans 8:6 “but letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (NLT)  That very same Spirit that Jesus died for us to be able to receive wants to teach us how to think God’s thoughts.  He wants to help us live on a higher level than we ever thought possible, a place where love replaces fear and grace abounds both towards us and from us.  God says His Spirit within our hearts pleads for us in harmony with Gods own will.  

The Lord tells us in Romans 8:6 “letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.” (NLT)  We need to think more about what we think about.  What controls your thinking habits?  Worry that leads to anxiety?  Anger that leads to bitterness.  Jealousy that leads to envy or resentment.  Maybe it’s guilt or regret from any of the above that has left you with deep pain.  God wants all that to end today.  He wants you to start allowing His Spirit to create in you a new way of thinking.  We have been assured in God’s word that Jesus died, rose from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of God forever interceding for us.  We need to let Him who dwells in us live through us by becoming acquainted with the truth and disciplining our mind to believe in exactly what God has said.   We are told in Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Keep putting into practice all you have learned….”  (NLT)  They say “practice makes perfect”.  What are you practicing thinking today?  Are you putting your faith into practice?  Get your focus off what isn’t done yet and start focusing on what has already been done with a grateful heart.  Seek Gods will and perspective for every area of your life and begin to walk by faith that all things are possible to them who believe.  It might go against the grain to let God control your thinking at first, but it is worth every effort because only God’s way of thinking leads to life and peace.

Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them, “Why do you have such evil thoughts in your hearts?”  ~Matthew 9:4 (NLT)

How has God changed your mind?

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