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Keep in step with God

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. ~Galatians 5:25 (NIV)

To keep in step with the Holy Spirit we have to be able to hear Him. God has placed His still, small voice on the inside of us to guide us through the decisions and details of our lives. God’s will always lines up with His word, so when you first begin acting on His word you can confirm you are hearing His voice by going to His word. Oftentimes God will give us insight and a scripture will come to our mind to confirm it. It could be a scripture you heard in last week’s sermon or something you read in an article at the doctor’s office. You can be confident that God speaks and also that He confirms His word. It’s important when we begin to listen for God’s voice that we don’t allow ourselves to reason out what we have heard. It was Eve’s downfall. She questioned what God had said. God’s word must have final authority in our lives. We have to know it and we have to believe it. The more sensitive we are to the Holy Spirit’s leadership the more we will see fruit from His direction in our lives. Galatians 5:23 tells us “But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control.” (WE) If you want to see more love, joy and peace in your life then you have to start listening to God and acting on His word.

Keeping in step with God also means emulating His nature. God's nature is to give. The Lord gives us wisdom and discernment every day as to how we can give and be a blessing to others. Have you ever run into someone at a store and thought “her hair looks really great” or “that shirt looks nice on him”? Well, that's the Holy Spirit and He gives you that thought to GIVE encouragement and to lift them up. Have you ever been doing something and “out of the blue” thought “I should give so and so that piece of furniture” or “I should put a gift card in the mail for my cousin”? That’s not you, that’s God. Don't let the devil step in and get you into reasoning about why you shouldn't keep in step with God by being generous! The Lord tells us in Psalm 37:21 “the godly are generous givers.” (NLT) When was the last time you gave of yourself, your time or your resources? To give generously means to give freely and without reserve. It means to give bountifully and abundantly. Would you consider yourself an abundant giver? Well, it’s time to start acting like your Heavenly Father and get on board with being a blessing to others. Discipline yourself to respond to the wisdom God gives you to bless others because you know from God’s word that you have been blessed to be a blessing!

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. ~Genesis 12:2 (NIV)

How have you been able to be a blessing to someone lately?

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