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How to deal with your daily dose of disappointment

Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. ~Psalm 12:1 (NIV)

Have you ever felt like the psalmist in Chapter 12?  Have you ever thought that “those who are loyal have vanished from the human race”?  Life can be lonely sometimes.  This journey on the earth is compared to a vapor in scripture but when things aren’t going so great or when loneliness creeps in or when chaos and troubles surround us; our days, hours and minutes can drag by.  The longer this goes on, the more we struggle in our hopes for some relief.  When that happens, we need to see things for what they are…an attack from the enemy on our emotions.  We all have our daily doses of disappointment. You know how it is, you just want everything to go smoothly and then bam…someone throws a monkey wrench into the works.  We have a plan for love, peace, and joy and sometimes it feels like the entire universe and everyone on this planet is trying to sabotage or frustrate those plans.  Well, that is a lie from the devil.  He is a liar and he is a deceiver and we need to watch out for him coming.  We need to realize when our thoughts move from “it’s going to be a great day” to “I wish this day was over” that the enemy has arrived on the scene in our minds.  We need to realize that we don’t need a new day for a fresh start. We need a new perspective and a plan to deal with the situation!

In Samuel 30:6-7 we read “David was desperate. His soldiers were so upset over what had happened to their sons and daughters that they were thinking about stoning David to death. But he felt the Lord God giving him strength, and he said to the priest, ‘Abiathar, let's ask God what to do.’” (CEV) That’s the sure-fire best way to overcome the enemy.  We need to ask the Lord what to do. In all reality, the Lord is the first one we should be asking about how we should handle our daily disappointments. He is always a prayer away and He has the best answer for every situation.  People problems, money problems, health problems…we find the answers for every problem we have from the Lord. Whether it be in His word or by His Holy Spirit, He is always there and always ready to spend time with us and encourage us.  Next time you find yourself thinking that nobody understands, or nobody is loyal to you, go to Jesus!  He is the very best friend any one of us could ask for.  We are told in Hebrews 7:25 “Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” (NIV) There are so many promises to unpack in that short verse!  He, Jesus, is more that capable of saving us completely.  So, what do you need saving from?  A broken heart, a tired body, seemingly insurmountable debt?  Well Jesus is not only able, He is ready!  He ALWAYS LIVES to intercede for us.  An intercessor is someone who intervenes on behalf of another. He is our “go between”.  He rules and owns everything in Heaven and on earth! He is our King and High Priest and He has promised to be faithful to us even when we haven’t been faithful to Him. Who could ask for anything more?  Trust the Lord, one minute at a time if you have to and be confident in His abilities when yours and those who surround you are coming up short!

Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. ~2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (NIV)

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