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How quickly do we forget?

Do you not yet understand?  ~Mark 8:21 (AMPCE)

How quickly do we forget the blessings and miraculous provision God bestows on us?  Even Jesus’ disciples were slow to catch on.  In Mark 8 scripture teaches the disciples are encountered with a huge problem. Jesus tells them He wants to feed the four thousand people who had been with Him for three days and almost immediately the disciples go into panic mode telling Jesus not only did they not have what they need, but they didn’t even have the means to get it.  In Mark 8:4 the disciples ask Jesus “But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?” (NIV) Jesus returns their question with His own, asking them “what do you have?”  After the disciples tell him they have seven loaves, Jesus takes those loaves, gives thanks to God, and gives it to His disciples to distribute.  Miraculously the seven loaves of bread feeds four thousand people with seven basketfuls left over.  Just a few hours later the disciples are out in a boat with Jesus and in verse 14 we read, “The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat.” (NIV) They are discussing the situation and Jesus, referring to the miracle they had just experienced that very same day asks them in Mark 8:17-18 “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart?” (NASB)

It doesn’t take long for our hearts to “harden” and for us to forget what God is capable of doing on our behalf, does it?  Have you forgotten where you came from?  What you came out of?  Have you forgotten that God is in the business of restoring broken relationships?  Protecting wayward children?  Maybe you have forgotten He can provide whatever you need despite what your bank account is telling you.  None of us know what “need” tomorrow will bring, but God does, and He said He has already made provision for our tomorrows.  All He wants us to do is trust in Him to take care of us!  Jesus showed His disciples just how much He wanted to use His power and authority on this earth to not only meet their needs, but also to meet the needs of others through them.  Scripture teaches we are blessed by God, and we are blessed to be a blessing.  We are Jesus’ disciples of this generation, and He wants us to believe in God’s miraculous ability to provide for us today, just as He has been doing since time began.  When you find yourself needing a miracle, where do your thoughts go?  Jesus tells us to reflect on the miracles God has already bestowed on us.  Take some time to do that and it will encourage you.  Make it a point to document His work in your life by keeping a journal of your prayers.  Make a list of the mountains He has moved on your behalf and the tears He has turned to joy.  From little to big, no matter what it is that you need, whether it be peace, provision, or God’s healing power for your life, trust Him to provide.  He has done it before, and He will do it again!

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.  ~Psalm 34:19 (ESV)

When you find yourself needing a miracle, where do your thoughts go?

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