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How diligent is your search?

I call to remembrance my song in the night; with my heart I meditate and my spirit searches diligently. ~Psalm 77:6 (AMPCE)

The psalmist said, “my spirit searches diligently”, meaning his search was very careful, attentive and persistent.  When was the last time your spirit searched the heart of God regarding a matter?  Have you ever found yourself so lost, broken or hurting that you knew only the Lord would be able to restore your faith, hope and love?  Many of us have scripture boxes or flip calendars that we get a bible verse for the day from, but how much careful attention are we putting into that scripture we are reading?  Are we considering it as God’s particular word for us today and meditating on how it applies to our lives?  Are we picking it apart piece by piece as we seek to walk in obedience in every area of our lives?  The word “meditate” means to focus one’s thoughts on or to engage in mental exercise.  When we want to learn something new or need more knowledge to accomplish a task, we seek information and then we meditate on it.  You cannot prepare for something without knowledge and contemplation.  The two coupled provide the wisdom you need to overcome obstacles, make wise choices and complete your goals.  What are your spiritual goals?  Do you need more peace?  How about more confidence?   Do you need to eliminate your debt, or do you need help with a troubled relationship?  It does not matter what you need, God has the answer and God provides the wisdom, but you have to be diligent to search what He has said and meditate on it until you develop the faith to receive that truth.  The Lord has told us faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  The Lord also, tells us in Galatians 6:7-8 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (NIV)  Our thoughts, words and actions are all seeds.  They are all going to produce a harvest.  When we meditate on God’s word, and place our faith in His truth, we cannot help but prosper in every area of our lives because God's word is God's wisdom!

The Lord does not want you to be satisfied with anything less than what He has promised you.  But what has He promised you?  If you do not know, you have been deceived.  That deception can run so deep that instead of searching for God and His wisdom you run from Him.  That is exactly what Adam and Eve did.  Today each and every one of us has two choices.  We can run to God for restoration, or we can live separated from the Lord, lonely and unfulfilled.   It all depends on what we are doing with God’s word.  Are we going to take time with Him or are we going to spend our time, energy and resources sowing to our flesh which produces nothing but destruction?  Remember with God it’s not necessarily quantity, but quality.  He would rather see us read one scripture until we get it down on the inside of us than a whole chapter that we never think about again.  He wants us to make His wisdom a part of our lives.  Listen for key verses when you hear a sermon or read your bible.  Ask God to show you how you can apply it to your life.  Scripture teaches we are sanctified or set apart, holy and blessed by the Word of God.

Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth. ~John 17:17 (NIV)

How diligent is your search?

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