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Here's the Good News: God forgives!

Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. ~Deuteronomy 30:15 (GNB)

It’s our freedom to choose that can cause either chaos or blessing in our lives and in the world around us. God gives us the ability to make moral choices because He doesn't want to force us to love and trust Him. He wants us to choose to love and trust Him. Forcing someone to love you and believe in you doesn’t bring about the intimate relationship God wants to have with us. The Lord went as far as anyone could go to show us that our ability to share our lives with Him was the most important issue on His agenda. He gave it all when He laid down His life so that we could have ours restored. That is love manifested! God has given us the freedom to make up our own plans and purposes if we wish. But here’s the thing about the freedom of choice: You must be willing to live with the consequences of your choices. While you are free to choose whom you will serve, either yourself or the Lord, you are not free from the consequences. The consequences are part of the choice. Are you choosing to live in Christ by faith, walking in love and expecting God’s supernatural power and provision for your life according to His word or are you choosing to live by what you want and what you can see, walking by sight not by faith?

We are told in Ecclesiastes 3:17 “In due season God will judge everything man does, both good and bad.” (TLB) That “due season” isn’t in the great by and by…accountability is today! Jesus said we reap what we sow. We live by the choices we make, and they determine our tomorrows. We can choose to have better tomorrows right now just by choosing to trust God, believe His word and do it His way. We can stop the resentment and unforgiveness and choose to accept others unconditionally and our relationships will improve for that. We can stop going around telling everyone how sick we are and start telling them we have a personal relationship with our healer, not our doctor, our healer. Doctors practice medicine. God heals His people. We can turn the page from yesterday and decide today we are going to be radical givers and we can begin to meet needs around us as the hands of Jesus Himself knowing that nothing we give up for Him will go unrewarded. We can choose life and to live in faith that what God has told us in His Word is true. His ways are higher than our ways and we can make up our mind to do it His way right now. Here’s the Good News: God forgives you instantly, completely, and freely. If you have any poor decisions from your past that the enemy continues to hang over your head, then today is the day to accept God’s forgiveness and grace for them. We are told in 1 Corinthians 11:31“For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” (KJV) When was the last time you prayerfully considered your ways and whether or not they were pleasing to God? That is the beginning of all repentance and repentance is just acknowledging where you missed it and getting back on track. Don’t let pride hold you back from pruning the areas of your life that aren’t producing. Get on track with the Lord and start finding out His way of handling things. We all need a Savior and praise God we have one. He came to make all things new and will every day of our lives as we accept His forgiveness and love. Choose today whom you will serve!

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. ~Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)

What consequences have you suffered that taught you to make different choices?

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