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He who promised is faithful

[Abraham], having waited long and endured patiently, realized and obtained that which God had promised him.  ~Hebrews 6:15 (AMP)

Just as it was with Abraham, we realize and obtain the blessings God has promised to us through patient endurance.  Patient endurance is probably one of our least favorite things to do, it even sounds hard, but it accomplishes so much on the inside of us.  Waiting for extended periods of time for God to fulfill all the amazing promises He has made can cause us to start doubting Him if we don’t have our hearts in the right place.  The right place to keep your heart is full of praise and thanksgiving, trusting Him to bring about just the right blessing at just the right time.  We need to be confident and know that God delivers on His promises.  We also need to be mature and realize that more times than not, we need to be prepared for the blessing that has been prepared for us.  When we allow God’s word to fill our thoughts, it will influence our actions and will bring about praise and thanksgiving.  On the other hand, if we allow the ideas of the world or the suggestions of the enemy to fill our thoughts, that will influence our actions as well.  Does what you say and what you do indicate to others you are believing for God to fulfill His promises and call on your life?  If so, your heart should be swelled with hope and joy!

We are all waiting to experience God’s promised blessings in our lives, and we need to encourage ourselves daily that as we wait it is important to be thankful for what we already have and for how far we have already come.  Thanksgiving builds a foundation for where you are right now.  You cannot start on the second story of a building until you have laid a foundation for the first.  Thanking God for where we are today makes room for new additions in our lives and who isn't ready for a new addition?  Don’t let the enemy talk you into doubting your Lord while you are waiting on Him to fulfill a particular promise or desire He has placed on your heart and definitely don’t give up on your heart’s desires!  The Lord tells us in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV) When Abraham realized and obtained that which God had promised to him, he had been through some trials and tests.  He had fought the battle in His mind that maybe he had misunderstood the Lord.  He had fought the battle in his mind that maybe he didn’t deserve his heart’s desires.  He had fought everything the enemy had thrown into his mind, and he had made up his mind that God was going to deliver!  Have you made up your mind or are you still wavering?  The Lords says a double minded person should not think they will receive anything from the Lord.  We don't need to waver about the promises of God.  We need to remind ourselves of the promises of God.  To re-mind requires us to retell.  Start reminding yourself of how much God loves you and what He has brought into your life so far.  God does amazing things for us every single day.  Trust Him with your big dreams while you experience His personal care for you in the details of today; that is patient endurance!

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. ~Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

He who promised is faithful

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