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He who promised is faithful

What then shall we say to all these things?  If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us? ~Romans 8:31 (AMP)

Everyone we know is facing some kind of challenge right now.  They might not be the same challenges we are facing, but rest assured, if we are living on this earth, we are all having some kind of trouble.  God tells us in Job 5:7 “man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.” (NIV)  Trouble at home, trouble at work, trouble with our finances, and trouble in relationships; we know that trouble can come in all shapes and sizes.  The Holy Spirit poses the question in Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to all these things?”.  Then He finishes it with another question that we should all ask ourselves daily...if God is for us, who can be against us?  Have you taken into account what it means for God to be for you?  God being for you does not mean you are not going to experience adversity. Trouble and adversity are coming either way.  But God’s promise to His children is that He will be with us in adversity and that He will turn that adversity into a blessing if we trust Him to.  Are you convinced God is for you?  If not, it’s time you start thinking about what you are thinking about. The word of God confirms that He loves His children and wants only the best for them.  Just like any good parent would.  We hope and dream big for those we love.  We want them to be wise and successful.  We want them to be healthy and prosperous.  God wants the same for us and those we love.  He wants more than anything for us to believe in His love towards us and that He is working on our behalf every minute of every day.  It’s that kind of faith and trust that fills our joy tank and gives us peace!

Scripture teaches we are born of heaven when we are born again, and nothing can successfully defeat us because God is on our side.  God promises in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (NIV)  Trouble is a weapon formed against us and the bible says it does not have the power to defeat the child of God.  The Lord is our vindicator.  That means God upholds us, maintains us and defends us against our enemy who brings us trouble and God also refutes any tongue that rises against us.  We aren't called to go to battle for ourselves.  We are called to walk in love, hold on to our peace and be confident in our God no matter what the trial or trouble.  Our response to trouble should be from a place of rest and confident assurance of who we are in Christ.  We are proficient at seeing God’s hand in the good times, but we need to be proficient at seeing God’s hand no matter what the circumstance.  If God says He is for us, then He is for us.  It’s time we show our faith by our actions.  A response in faith will hasten that better outcome we are looking for.  When trouble comes your way today and the question arises “What can I say to all these things?”  Hold on to the promise.  Remind yourself "If God be for me who can be against me?"  He who made that promise is faithful!

Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful. ~Hebrews 10:23 (ISV)

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