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Have a wise heart

Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action). ~2 Timothy 3:16 (AMPCE)

The Bible teaches that we will reap what we sow. The dividing line between success and failure is doing what God tells us to do. We might think we or others are successful, but success is much more than material gain. Success encompasses the ability to enjoy that gain. Many people are racking it up, but that is it. They aren't enjoying a bit of it and many times it's because they aren't doing things God's way. We pray for good fruit in our lives, but we don’t always want to pray for good roots. Having good roots comes with consistently making wise choices out of a disciplined character. God tells us in Hebrews 5:14 "solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” (NIV) There is a big difference between knowing the right thing to do and actually doing it. It's easy to say we should love our neighbor, but are we making opportunities to love others or are we waiting on an opportunity to show our love? Good fruit is an outward expression of what is going on inside of us. It is as much the result of good roots as blessings are the result of faith that expresses itself through obedience.

If we want our days to go right, we need to develop good roots by walking in wisdom. That means we have to rightly discern the word of God and the voice of God, and we need to do the right thing every time. Consistency is a vital part of our testimony that Jesus has delivered us from our sin and enabled us to live a godly life. Jesus didn't die for us to wallow in our willful ways. He died so we could live a victorious life and overcome sin and temptation. Believers should be working with the Holy Spirit daily to overcome areas of rebellion and sin in their lives. When was the last time you asked the Lord to show you anything in your life that wasn’t pleasing to Him? We all have “deep seated” beliefs that are actually strongholds in our minds that the Lord needs us to make room for Him to root out. The Lord tells us in Genesis 6:3 “My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed flesh [sinful, corrupt-given over to sensual appetites]; nevertheless his days shall yet be a hundred and twenty years.” (AMP) Isn’t it interesting we are promised 120 years and yet many believe it’s miraculous to make it to 100? Could it be that too much of our lives we spent striving with God instead of getting on the same page? There is no victory for the carnal Christian. That is someone who accepts Jesus as their savior but refuses to work with the Holy Spirit to do and be everything God has called them to. If we don’t walk in obedience, then we can’t complain if we wind up in a mess. Every wise choice opens the way for another wise choice just like every disobedient choice opens the way for more disobedient choices. Obedience brings the fruit of the Spirit into your life. A wise heart digs deep into God’s Word and that word is the seed necessary to produce good roots and ultimately an abundant harvest. Lord please give us wise hearts!

Whoever obeys His command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. ~Ecclesiastes 8:5 (NIV)

When was the last time you asked the Lord to show you anything in your life that wasn’t pleasing to Him?

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