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Gods will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else!

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. ~Proverbs 3:5–6 (AMP)

We all have strong desires and many of us get upset when we don’t get what we want in the time frame that we want it.  We also tend to fall apart when we don’t get what we believe we deserve.  That is a biggie for us because we tend to view “fairness” from our own perspective.  We don’t pray for God’s perspective in a situation that doesn’t seem to suit us, we pray for Him to get us out of the situation that doesn’t seem to suit us.  When was the last time you prayed for an easier path and when was the last time you prayed for tougher feet?  We don’t necessarily want to toughen up, we want to lighten up!  Just because we love the Lord and are trusting Him with our lives doesn’t always mean God’s blessings are at our beckoned call.  If they were, we would never develop persistence, patience, and perseverance.  God does have a good life planned for us, but there will be times we have to be patient about getting our way.  Disappointments can actually be a learning tool that tests our character and shows us whether we can be happy with God’s will solely.  Can you continue to believe in God’s love towards you when life doesn’t seem fair?  We all have to admit that can sometimes be hard. Self-pity can creep in, and emotions can wreak havoc on our faith.

There are going to be times that God calls us to accept life the way it is and do the best we possibly can with what we have been given; resources, opportunities, and everything in between.  To tell the truth, complaining is only going to bring our spirits down.  The secret to happiness, joy and peace in life is committing ourselves fully to God's will and His way.  We need to learn to trust Him in every situation and surrender our will to His just like Jesus did.  Then we need to wait expectantly for God to bless and exalt us…just like He did for Jesus.  Jesus started his prayer to God in the garden with his petition, but He finished it with his submission by telling our Father “yet not my will, but yours be done.” (NIV)  The bible teaches He was able to do that because of the hope set before Him.  What hopes are set before you?  Do you have the hope for a better tomorrow?  Do you have hopes for a fresh start or a new adventure?   Just as disappointments can be a tool, our hopes can be a powerful tool in our lives as well.  Some would say we don’t utilize hope near enough and it hinders our future because we cannot see our success.  Hope changes your life because it links your present to your imagined future.  Hope gives us vision for what we hope for!  Get your hopes up today, but be ready to finish every prayer with “yet not my will, but yours be done.” (NIV)  Are you capable of finishing your prayer that way today?  You might have to remind yourself that God loves you and wants the very best for you.  He wants you to keep your hopes up and He also wants you to trust in Him.  The Lord promises that our hope in Him will never be disappointed but our patience may be tested.  Contentment can be ours when we commit to God's will, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else.

Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! ~Hebrews 12:9 (NIV)

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