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God works all things together for good

We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose. ~Romans 8:28 (CEB)

All of God’s children are called according to His purpose.  In Jeremiah 1:5 we read “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” (NIV) and just as we are called for a purpose, so are our children.  Scripture teaches us in Psalm 103:17 “The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children’s children.” (KJV)  The idea of family originated with God and it is not only the core of our homes, but of our communities and our country as well.  It is imperative that we believe God’s word that His righteousness is to our children’s children.  Although we don’t always see the hand of God working or our prayers answered in “our time”, we must believe the word of God that He is working all things together for the best possible outcome for us and our families.  Do you believe that God is working things together for your good?  Do you know in your heart that God's plan for your life is to bring healing and restoration to your lives and in your homes?  Your children and grandchildren need to know what you believe.  God doesn’t leave it up to the Sunday School teachers or church camp leaders to instill our faith into our children.  He leaves it up to us.  He knows although they don’t always listen, they are watching and what they watch us do is how they will learn to respond as they encounter troubles and crossroads in life.

Stress experts confirm that poor family relationships contribute more to unhealthy stress than any other factor in our lives.  It is said that tension within the family robs us of the creative energy we need for carrying out our daily tasks, our work, and many other responsibilities.  Do poor family relationships cause you anxiety and stress or hold you down?  Maybe it’s time to start finding out what God has to say about your family and then believing that He is working everything out for their good…and yours too!  Just as poor family relationships cause stress, the opposite is true for good family relationships.  They are like a tonic, inspiring creativity, energy and freeing us to be productive in whatever we do!  What are you doing to cultivate strong, healthy family relationships?  The most important thing we can do is trust God with our loved ones.  When we stop trusting God for our families, everything begins to fall apart.  Oftentimes, what we see might not appear good, but for us and our families to be healthy, we have to know in our hearts that God is working it out for good.  Act on God’s word today and do something that shows your family that you believe God is working in each of their lives to bring about the best possible outcome, no matter what they are going through.  When was the last time you told your spouse or children or grandchildren that you know God who began a good work in them is going to see it to completion?  He promises that He will.  If we can't believe Him, how will they?

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Do poor family relationships cause you anxiety and stress or hold you down?

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