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God wants to carry the load you should have never picked up

Like snow in summer and like rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a [self-confident] fool. ~Proverbs 26:1 (AMPCE)

The book of Proverbs has much to say about fools and their self-confidence.  A fool is always taking some kind of beating from the enemy because of his confidence in himself and his abilities.  God wants His children to stretch past their own abilities and learn to count on Him and His abilities.  He wants to be a part of every area of our lives and more importantly, He doesn’t want us to settle.  When we are completely trusting in God for all our strength and needs in the affairs of life, we experience a divine protection and provision that is second to none because our Heavenly Father is the creator of the universe!  When we operate in our own confidence, we experience financial beatings because we make bad deals, get cheated, invest in stocks that become worthless, and all because we move in our own knowledge rather than seeking the wisdom of God.  Some of us experience mental beatings every day when we worry, reason, become anxious, and live in fear because we do not trust God and we depend on ourselves to solve our problems.  There are some situations we find ourselves in that only God is going to get us through without emotional scars.  It’s amazing what we are able to patiently and confidently go through when we are leaning on the Lord, and He always brings us through shining like new.  For this to happen we have to learn to wait for God to reveal His provision and plan.  And what do we do while we are waiting?  We get our minds off of us and get our minds on praising God and thanking Him for all He has done and all He is going to do!

We are told in Galatians 4:4 “But at the right time, God sent His son…” (NLT)  There is a good and perfect time for everything.  It’s called God’s time.  When we jump ahead and try to make things happen too soon, we lose the benefit of getting the experiential wisdom we need to develop into the people God has called us to be.  It shouldn't take long for believers to learn that things tend to fall apart on us when we lean on ourselves instead of God. It is both futile and frustrating to do your very best and yet always fall short. Have you felt like you have been beating your head against a wall lately?  Have you ever considered that God has heard your prayers, and He is working on your concerns, but you keep stepping in and taking them back by spending your time doubting God and worrying more?  When we do this, we make more trouble for ourselves.  Patiently waiting on God is not an easy thing to do, but it is how we demonstrate our faith both to God and others.  Sometimes God hinders our success in one area or another so that we will eventually wear ourselves out and come to Him for help.  Have you ever fell on your knees before God and told Him you just couldn't carry the load anymore?  It comes highly recommended.  Just a simple "Jesus help me" speaks volumes to the only one who truly knows your heart.  Live under the wings of God’s protection and count on His supernatural provision by rooting your confidence in Him alone.  He wants to carry the load.  The load you should have never picked up in the first place.  It's time to give Him everything!

For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. ~Psalm 71:5 (NIV)

What are you trying to do in yourself that only God can accomplish?

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