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God's remedy for a bad day

Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. ~1 Peter 3:10-11 (NIV)

In 1 Peter 3:10-11 the Lord gives us a good prescription for our daily life. He starts out with the words whoever wants to love their life and see good days...whoever could be anyone, we all have the opportunity to choose to take this medicine. Back in the early 1900’s medicine was oftentimes called a “remedy”. People would take a “remedy” for what was ailing them. What's ailing you today? A nagging back or a nagging family member? How about a bank account that's balance keeps screeching like a broken record that is getting on your last nerve? There is a remedy in scripture for our bad situations, bad days and even for a bad, unhappy life. We can turn it around with God’s wisdom and get to a place where we love our lives and enjoy our days by following Gods 3 specific guidelines.

First, we have to pay attention to what we are talking about. Our words should be honest, winsome, and encouraging. That negative mouth will bring us down every time. You can’t have a great day spewing pessimism. Second, we have to start doing some good. Nothing makes you feel better than making someone else’s day. A complement or word of encouragement can go a long way for the giver and the receiver. Take someone to lunch or pick up a gift card to randomly bless someone with. If you will only listen to the Lord, He will fill your mind with ideas of how to be a blessing to others and it will make you feel oh so good! We need to start preparing today to be a blessing to someone tomorrow. That means throw some books that have been a blessing to you in the car or carry around some bible tracks for those people that you run into who are going through difficult circumstances. Keep some extra cash on you to buy someone lunch or even a cup of coffee. Get in the habit of smiling more, and even more important than that start putting smiles on the faces of those around you. Third, we have to “seek peace and pursue it”. This is very important because our level of contentment is in direct correlation with our level of witness. Those who are content have a thankful heart, but the discontent person is never satisfied. Scripture teaches that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Peace is not the absence of trouble or tension; it’s the presence of God. If you are seeking God, you are seeking peace. If you know God, you know peace. Negative circumstances and people can cause peace to run out of you like a bucket with holes in it so plan to maintain your peace with a purposed heart. Do the same with your joy. Hang onto it at all costs knowing that God is helping you and encouraging you every step of the way. Plan on taking God’s remedy for a bad day first thing in the morning by paying attention to what you say, planning to be a blessing and seeking God in every situation. The Lord says that’s how we come to love our life and enjoy great days!

And now this word to all of you: You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds. ~1 Peter 3:8 (TLB)

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