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God's blessing are wrapped up in your obedience

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV)

God tells us to do things that do not always make sense to us.  Sometimes He says stay and wait for me to move on your behalf and sometimes He says move because I have a better place for you.  Just like Jehosephat is a great example to those who are called to stand firm and see the deliverance of the Lord, there will be times we have to stand our ground and wait for the Lord to bring us through and just like Abraham was called to leave Ur to a better land that God would show Him, we have to be ready to move should God lead us.  We have to be obedient to the Lord in whatever He tells us to do and not let ourselves get into worrying or reasoning about “why” or we might just miss the blessing of a lifetime.  Take Peter for example, it would have been easy for him to think he knew a little bit more about fishing than Jesus and especially the time Jesus told him to go back out, because he had already been fishing all night and had caught nothing.  Jesus told Peter in Luke 5:4 “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (NLT)  At first Peter started to reason with Jesus, telling him they had already worked all night and were exhausted.  But then Peter changed his mind and decided to obey.  He submits and tells Jesus in Luke 5:5 “But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets again.” (AMP)  Peter was not disappointed at obeying God’s word and neither will you be.  He caught so many fish on that trip that the nets almost broke.

Has God told you to do something that you have been reasoning out?  Maybe it doesn’t make any sense to you, or you think you probably know a little more about a situation than He does?  Or you wonder if it was even God in the first place.  Don’t let your past experiences determine your future.  Are you looking to people to fulfill your expectations or are you looking to God?  You don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but God does.  Do you trust Him?  Do you believe He has your best interest at heart?  When God starts closing doors do you kick and scream and cry and fight as you try to finagle things to go your way?  How about when God is opening a door?  Do you pray for more time, more peace, more energy and yet when the Lord tries to alleviate some of your burdens do you hold on to them for dear life because you aren’t able to trust the Lord with your tomorrows?  We all struggle to be obedient to the Lord and most of the time it is because we don’t trust that inner witness that He has placed inside of us.  We don’t take time to get still before Him and honestly ask God what His plans are for our day, our year or even the rest of our lives!  You might not have been successful on that last financial endeavor.  You might not have been successful the last time you loved someone that didn’t deserve it.  You might not have been successful the last time you forgave someone who didn’t appreciate it.  But every day is a new day, and God’s blessings are wrapped up in your obedience.  Even if it doesn’t make sense why God would expect you to do it, obey on the ground of His word, like Peter did and expect a boat load of blessing!

“If you love me, keep my commands.” ~John 14:15 (NIV)

Has God told you to do something that doesn’t make sense to you?

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