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God keeps His word and so should we

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from evil. ~Matthew 5:37 (NIV)

Jesus said our word should be sufficient without making vows.  When we don’t keep our word or our promises we lie.  There is an old fable about a little boy who cried wolf.  The story is about a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks people in his village by telling them there is a wolf attacking the sheep.  When a wolf actually does come nobody believes him or comes to help, so the wolf kills the sheep.  The moral of the story is not to lie, because when you finally tell the truth nobody will believe you and it will cost you. Of course, the story of the boy who cried wolf doesn’t have much effect on us or our lifestyles today.  Who cares about sheep?  We reason in our minds that a little inconsistency, “white lie” or a half-truth wouldn’t be too bad or have too much of a lasting effect, but when we aren’t completely, one hundred percent honest and truthful it will impact our lives and the lives of others in ways we could never imagine and sometimes for generations.  Justifying wrong action through reasoning or to avoid repercussions goes directly against the Lord and His word.  Jesus speaking about the devil in John 8:44 said “there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (NIV) When we tell a lie we are not acting like God, but the devil.  When we tell half-truths to better our situation or to create a more conducive outcome for ourselves and to turn things to our own advantage we are not walking in the truth, we are outright lying through deception and manipulation. 

What is your native language?  Remember when you reason as to why you are not able to keep your word or why you have to be untruthful, you are making excuses.  You are not trusting God to be the Lord of your outcome as you walk in honesty and integrity as He has called you to do.  You are taking the matter into your own hands and trying to control your outcomes by lying will never bring about the results the enemy has deceived you into believing it will.  We come up short every time when we choose our way over God’s way.  God keeps His word and so should we.  Even if it means we have to suffer to do it.  Others may see us as “lambs being led to the slaughter” for not stepping in with the way the world tells us to do things.  But God says that suffering is just for a moment, and it is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us.  That means doing it God’s way will enable us to outshine them all!  Don’t let yourself get so overbooked and underfunded that you can’t keep your word and live with honest integrity. The Lord tells us those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  Prayerfully seek God’s wisdom and then commit to following it.  The Lord gives us insight in Psalm 15 regarding the person who gets to experience His presence in their life.  He says they speak the truth from their heart.  They keep their oath even when it hurts, not changing their minds.  Are you that kind of person?  If you want to experience more of God’s presence in your life, keep your word and always be honest.  Even if it hurts it will be worth it. 

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands. ~Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIV)

Do you struggle to keep your word? What “little white lie” has cost you more than you wanted to pay?

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