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What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? ~Romans 8:31 (NIV)

Sometimes it can be hard to believe God is “for us”. Especially when we are praying and trusting Him to fulfill His promises to us in giving to us the desires of our heart, but we are not seeing any noticeable changes in our lives. Believers are just that, believers. We are called to believe God for His best no matter what we see. The Lord wants us to anticipate that He is working on our petitions and our cause every minute of every day without lapse. Scripture teaches that God does not sleep or slumber but is always watching over His children. That should be a very comforting thought for us. In the Old Testament, God brought His people out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey (aka a really great place!). During the “in between” time in the desert when God was preparing His people to receive the promise and fulfill the desires of their hearts, that land was full of giants. Many of the Lord's people were even scared to think about receiving the promise He put on their heart because of what appeared to be too great of an obstacle for them. But God was using those giants to build houses and dig wells and plant vineyards…for His people. And as soon as they were ready to inherit the desires of their hearts, God made a way and delivered on His promise. It doesn't matter what is standing between you and the desires of your heart today, you can rest assured that God has a plan for your life, and it is a good one. The Lord always hears, and the Lord always answers. We are only hindered when we cast away our confidence in Him and refuse to receive.

It’s about time we start answering those mountains in front of us that seem to be insurmountable. Jesus said whoever says to the mountain be moved and cast into the sea and doesn’t doubt in his heart that what he said will come to pass, he will have whatsoever he says. Those mountains of debt or disability are talking to you. They are saying “not this way”, they are saying “try something else because this way is blocked” but they are no challenge to us when we have the creator of the universe on our side. He said we can use our mouths to move them. The key is not letting doubt come into our hearts. Learning to trust God consistently no matter what we see or what happens is a vital element in being able to step into our promised land. We need to cast down our doubts and to do that we need to remember that those dreams and desires in our hearts came from the Lord to begin with. Trust in God's timing and work with Him to prepare your heart and character to receive all that He wants to give to you. Our outward prosperity comes in direct proportion to our inward prosperity. In other words, if your soul isn't prospering, not much else is either. It's a kingdom principle. We don't give toddlers cars for their birthday and God doesn't give His children gifts that they aren't prepared to handle either. Enjoy today and serve the Lord where you are and with what you have knowing that God will bring to pass the desires of your heart at just the right time!

When the Lord your God brings you into the land He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. ~Deuteronomy 6:10-12 (NIV)

Have you allowed yourself to become so emotionally involved in situations that you have lost your eternal (spiritual) perspective on the matter?

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