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God is ready to lead, are you ready to follow?

Do to others as you would have them do to you. ~Luke 6:31 (NIV)

When we read the bible, the Lord uses His word to bring to our mind situations that we are dealing with in our daily lives. Oftentimes, we find we didn’t handle things the way the Lord expected us to. At that point, we have two choices: we can agree with God that He is right, or we can justify our actions. Justifying our actions can be an act of pride and the Lord tells us pride comes before a fall. In John 1:9 God tells us “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (NIV) It’s very important that we are quick to agree with God because the enemy is always looking for a way to get us off track. He wants us to do things contrary to God's word so that we look like the rest of the world which causes us to lose our witness for what Christ is doing in our lives. He wants us to be hypocrites and gossips. He wants us to be liars and thieves. He does not want us to walk in love and peace and patience because He knows that when the world sees someone living that kind of life, they want a piece of the action. They want to know how we can walk that walk and that's when we can point them to Jesus! The enemy wants to stop us in our tracks when it comes to taking ground for God on this earth and that ground is the hearts of people who are being held captive by his lies and deceptions.

In Mark 4:14-15 Jesus is explaining the parable of the sower saying “What the man plants is the Word of God. Those by the side of the road are the ones who hear the Word. As soon as they hear it, the devil comes and takes away the Word that is planted in their hearts.” (NLV) God’s word is meant to be our handbook for life. Reading your bible is planting the word of God in your heart. It’s in God’s word that we find how He thinks, what He says and what He does. The enemy knows this and is going to do everything he can to keep you from learning God's word and if you do make the effort to, he is going to work overtime to get that word out of your heart. The enemy does this in our mind, just like he did to Eve in the garden. He causes us to question what God has said. It's called human reasoning. Very few people would go around saying they are smarter than God, but when we reason to do things our way instead of how the Lord tells us to, we might as well be saying we are smarter than Him. Isn’t it about time you yield to your heavenly Father? Have you given Him your heart and mind and committed to do it His way verses your own? God’s road is the “high road”, it’s the road on which you have to be the bigger person and the stronger person as you perpetuate the love of God in every situation. There is no way we can do this without knowing what God has to say about every situation. Don’t let the enemy steal God’s word from you. It’s your power source. Open up your bible and find out what God has to say to you today, agree with Him and He will help you to change your mind and actions. God is ready to lead, are you ready to follow?

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Let Your good Spirit lead me on a straight path. ~Psalm 143:10 (NLV)

Have you given Him your heart and mind and committed to do it His way verses your own?

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