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God honors right living

All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. ~Romans 8:14 (ESV)

When we obey God in our daily life, we show the world we are children of God. People should see a difference between the lives of a believer versus the life of an unbeliever. Believers aren’t required to be perfect for their salvation, but we are required to be obedient to God. When we are led by God's Holy Spirit, we allow Him to be involved in every decision we make, no matter how large or small. We give God and His word final authority in our lives. God said it, we believe it is right and true and that settles it; that should be our motto. If you are born again, God through Christ has taken up residence in you and has begun to lead you to make changes in your behavior that will line it up with His perfect will and plan for your life. God promises to lead His children and oftentimes He does this by a still small voice in our hearts, by peace, and by His Word, and all these work hand in hand. He never contradicts Himself. The Lord promised the Holy Spirit to be our counselor and to remind us of everything He said. That means when we spend time reading the bible, it is like making a “wisdom deposit” into our hearts and the Holy Spirit has been placed there to help us make the withdrawals on every investment. Psalm 119:105 tells us God’s word “is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (NIV) Just like a flashlight will keep us from stumbling or tripping when it’s dark outside, God’s word will keep our steps in line with His will.

Knowing what God says and expects will only get us so far. It’s obedience that brings us through into our destiny. At some point we have to step up and let go of the control that holds our comfort zones intact and let God be God in our lives. Whether it’s letting Him have control of our tongue in a conversation going the wrong direction or recognizing an uncomfortable feeling (aka lack of peace) that keeps us from making a decision that we might later regret, we need to let God lead us by His Spirit. We don't have to know why; we just need to obey. It’s not enough to hear the voice of God. It’s not enough to know the Word of God. We must make godly choices every day to do things His way and not our own if we want to succeed spiritually in life. We hear a lot about our intelligence quotient (IQ) and we hear a lot about our emotional quotient (EQ), but we don’t hear much about our spiritual quotient. That’s how much of God’s word we have in our heart that He is able to lead us by. Are you faithful in bible study? Are you faithful in sharing the gospel with others? Making good choices is what builds our character and character counts more than we will ever know because it is in direct relation to our influence. When we forgive others, we are influencing them to forgive others. When we are extravagant givers, we inspire others to be extravagant givers. The generation that we are directly influencing to carry on our values and beliefs today have been called the entitlement generation. They believe they are entitled to entitlements whether they do anything or not, just because they are here. How can we possibly expect them to walk the walk if we don't? We must be diligent to walk in integrity with a godly character before them for the sake of our posterity! God is speaking to all His children today in many ways, He says do it His way and you can be sure He will honor your obedience and right living for generations.

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. ~James 1: 25 (NIV)

What book of the bible have you made your “wisdom deposit” from today? How will you appropriate and act on God’s word to you?

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