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God has not called us to make ourselves perfect, He has already made us perfect!

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant. ~2 Corinthians 3:5-6 (NIV)

Many people feel inadequate when it comes to sharing their faith. Have you ever given a testimony of something God had done for you and the person you were talking with looked at you like you were crazy? Or even worse, they tried to convince you that it was not God who performed your miracle. We never know what to expect when we share our faith with others but one thing that we can be sure of is that He has made us competent ministers. The word competent means skilled, capable, knowledgeable, and proficient. We do not always feel competent to share the word of God or even about our relationship with Him, but we can rest assured that where we miss it God makes up the difference with His grace. God has not called us to be perfect or even to make ourselves perfect. He has already made us perfect in Christ Jesus and He wants us to lean on that truth so that we can have the confidence to share who He is and what He has done in our lives. God’s wisdom casts down human reasoning on every front. If others are not able to relate to your faith, it might be because they have not had the opportunity to experience God’s presence the way you have. They may not have had someone praying for them from infancy. They may not have grown up in a home where the word of God was the highest authority. Those of us who have been given the grace to love and serve God are called to “bear with” the weak in faith. It’s a whole lot easier to do that when you humble yourself and realize any wisdom or revelation you might have from Jesus Christ is just that…from Jesus Christ!

The next time you feel the desire to share something the Lord has done in your life remember that desire did not come from you. It was directly inspired by God. The words you hear yourself say might not sound very powerful when you are giving your testimony, but God can cause those words to go past their flesh and past their soul and He can plant them directly into the spirit of the person you are speaking with to change their lives forever. We don’t have to worry about the outcome, that’s God’s job! We are only called to step out in faith that God is working in us and through us knowing that our competence comes from Him. We should consider it a blessing to be able to be called ministers of God’s new covenant. We are among the generations who have been able to proclaim that through Jesus’ sacrifice, God has restored mankind to a right relationship with Himself. We are told in 2 Corinthians 3:12 “Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold.” (NLT) Go out and be bold with your faith. Let others know what you are praying for and let them know what prayers God has answered. It’s a whole lot more productive than talking about your lack and your problems. We are called to inspire hope in others, not despondency. God will work in you to help you accomplish everything He has called you to do!

Yes, it is God who is working in you. He helps you want to do what pleases Him, and He gives you the power to do it. ~Philippians 2:13 (ERV)

What has God done for you today that you can share with someone who needs encouragement?

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