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Glance at your problems but stare at God’s promises

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. ~2 Corinthians 4:8–9 (NIV)

In the Bible, Paul explains how they were pressed on every side, he says they were troubled and stressed and even confused in just about every way possible. Paul goes on to say they could see no way out, but they refused to give up. Have you ever felt that way? Paul made his mind up that no matter what happened he was going to finish his course. Athletes know that you must keep your eye on the prize, not on the pain. Paul explained that they did not get discouraged because they weren't looking at the things that they could see but to the thing to which they were striving for. They were striving to fulfill the call of God on their lives and obtain His promises. He knew they had to keep their eyes on the promise to overcome the obstacles. The early church is a living, breathing example that being a Christian does not exempt us from trouble. Even Jesus said in this world we are going to have trouble. So, what does being a believer do for us if we are going to have the same troubles as others? Scripture teaches the difference between believers and unbelievers is the ability to overcome. One of the ways we overcome is by our testimony. Our testimony is basically what we have to say about our circumstances. What do you say about your circumstances in a crunch? Do you say, “I don’t know why the Lord would allow this to happen to me” or do you say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”?

If we stare at our problems for too long, then we will think and talk about them too much. Problems then become giants in our lives and giants are harder to overcome. When the Israelites sent spies into the Promised Land only 2 came back with a good report. Joshua and Caleb had the attitude we should have. Caleb tells the congregation in Number 13:30 that they should go at once to take the land. He even adds that they can surely conquer it. But the other spies had seen giants in the land and their testimony was that they believed they looked like grasshoppers next to them! Are you feeling like a grasshopper or a conqueror today? The Lord tells us in Romans 8:31 "if God is for us who can be against us?" (NIV) That's what conquerors tell themselves and everyone who will listen. What giants are holding you back from moving forward? Glance at your problems but stare at God’s promises. Remind yourself that God is with you and for you and you will not drown if you have made Jesus your head. Let God's word have the final say about whatever situation you face and the word itself on the inside of you will overcome the difficulties you experience. Faith in God’s word is what brings us through and it's our responsibility to remind ourselves and others what God has said. We can’t deny the existence of problems in our lives, and we aren’t supposed to ignore them, but we are supposed to keep them in check. Don't ever let your problems become larger than your possibilities. Any situation you have is subject to change. Remember that all things are possible with God!

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

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